Page 54 of Claiming Demons
She’s with me, but she’s hurt.
And you?Concern filled the soft inner voice of hers.
I’ll survive.It wasn’t a blatant lie. I just didn’t want her to worry. So I changed the topic.I don’t know where I am or even if there’s a way out. I’m safe enough for now, but if any more of the building collapses…I didn’t want to think about what would happen.
I was planning on stopping the fight that was causing that. But do you need me first?she asked.Do you want me to come for you?
No, go. Stop this. But… is there any way you could lend me a bit of strength? If I can walk and carry Harmonia, I might be able to find a way out on my own. I can gain strength from my conflict, but… I don’t want to summon it for fear of it causing more damage down here.
I felt her pensive tension as she considered my request.
Let me try something,she said, sounding uncertain.
Slowly, the hall around me seemed to dissolve. The darkness faded to a dull haze of grey and then a bright, radiant light in the form of a woman appeared in the gloom. And though her form was obscured in brilliance, her face was clear to me.
“Ramsey?” She beamed. “It worked!”
“Ana? Where are we?” I asked. Looking down, I could see an ephemeral version of my body through the haze. I, too, was glowing, but not as brightly as Ana.
“In your soul. I thought if I could speak to you in your soul, perhaps I could visit you there as well.”
She floated toward me, ethereal arms reaching out, her hands finding my face. She drew me close, her lips finding mine in a soft kiss, and through that connection, Ifelther.
It was more than just a kiss, more than a linking of consciousnesses, but an abiding hold on my soul, binding me to her. And through that bond, came strength and power. I felt revitalized once more.
I gasped as she drew back, smiling.
“How was that?” she asked, voice breathy.
“Best kiss ever,” I breathed.
“Then this will be even better.”
She enfolded me in her arms, in her light, and I felt her warmth and the soft press of her against me. This time, when her lips teased mine, we seemed to merge, our bodies melting together. It was the most intimate experience of my very long life.
I was deeper inside her than any physical thrust could manage, and she was inside me as well. More than her presence… I felt her aspects flowing around me: her love, and — far more important right now — her healing.
Distantly, I sensed my body mending and my strength returning.
I was so caught up in this transcendent ecstasy of connection, I whispered, “I love you, Ana.”
She giggled. “I know. I can feel it.”
And… “I feel your love as well,” I breathed. It was an amazing revelation to be exposed to all her glorious brilliance and devotion.
“I need to go,” she whispered, her light beginning to fade. “But call me again if you can’t find a way out from where you are.”
“I will. I love you, Ana.”
She filled me with her love one last time, even as my awareness returned to my body.I love you too,her voice echoed in my soul.
I breathed a heavy, long breath as I came to myself.
Feeling strong and refreshed, I lifted Harmonia.
She groaned.