Page 7 of Scarred Mountain Man
"Are you hungry?" Shaw asks when I follow him into his home, taking in everything.
"Hungry?" he says gruffly. "I have... fruit."
"Fruit," I parrot as if it's a foreign word, blinking up at the man. The only thing I've had all day was coffee and donuts at the airport this morning.
"Yes, fruit. Apples and wild berries."
"Like… from trees?"
Shaw doesn't come outright and laugh in my face, but I see humor dancing in those gray eyes. "Yes, Angel. From trees."
Angel... Hearing him call me that does things to me. Earlier when he called me "mine," that word alone was enough to send a tremble down my body and my heart drumming with excitement.
In my twenty-three years, no one has ever called me that before. No one has ever held me the way this wild beast does, with such possessiveness and roughness that sends my pussy pooling with liquid heat.
"It's Jean," I tell him, fighting the blush that climbs up my throat.
"Okay, Jean. Let's go get you some fruit, shall we?"
I blink up at him. "Get them, from where?" I look around his cabin expecting to see a fruit bowl somewhere but there is no such thing. Surely, he's not talking about picking fruit...from a tree? I just got here and he's already putting me to work. Okay, maybe that's an exaggeration but after the day I've had, I just want to curl into a ball on a soft surface and fall into blissful oblivion.
"Angel." My eyes shoot to his and I swallow deeply when I find him staring curiously at me. "The trees are just behind the cabin, so you don’t have to worry about walking too far," he assures me.
"Okay, but I..." My cheeks flush as I nod towards my cum stained jeans. "Do you have something I can change into?"
His nostrils flare when his eyes drop to the stained part of my jeans. Something dark and possessive consumes his expression and for a second, I think he's going to jump me, but he doesn't. He simply nods and asks me to follow him.
Shaw guides me to his bedroom which like everything else, surprises me. The furniture is minimal with a large bed, a closet, and a nightstand with a lamp on top of it.
I watch him as he walks to the closet and opens it, digging around for something until he comes out with a flannel shirt and hands it to me. I wait for him to get me some kind of pants but he just stands there, watching me.
Okay, I guess this is all I’ll be getting from the man.
"Do you mind, I'd like some privacy to change,” I tell him, hugging the shirt to my chest.
“Why?” Shaw's brow creases as he stares at me. "You don't have to hide from me, Angel. I've touched your body. I know how you feel and look underneath those clothes."
My mouth opens and closes again when I realize I have nothing to counter his words.I could come up with something if I thought about it hard enough, but my brain is fried at this point so I turn away and quickly change out of my clothes and into the shirt which flows down to my knees. I quickly realizing why he didn't give me pants. The flannel shirt is long enough to pass for a dress.
Okay, now I'm ready for apple picking. Even that sounds strange in my head.
"Okay, I'm ready," I say, turning around to face Shaw and I gasp when I realize just how close he is to me. He must've moved while I was turned away and the fact that I didn't hear him has chills rocking my body. He’s so close I can practically see the gray rings in his eyes.
"Angel," he breathes, bringing his hand to my face and caressing my cheek with the back of his palm. "You have no idea how goddamned gorgeous you are or the things this perfect little body does to me."
"Shaw," I slap his chest lightly to hold him back when he leans down to kiss me but... I can't. My body is drawn taut with needunlike anything I have ever felt before and the spot between my thighs is damp and pulsing with need, but I can’t give this part of myself to a man I barely know.
I haven't kissed a guy before and, stupid as it sounds, I've been waiting for the one. There were times back home when I thought I’d found someone, but it never seemed like the right time. Maybe it was because I was too focused on my career or maybe because deep down, I knew none of them were 'the one.' I've always wanted that fairytale ending I see in Hallmark movies, where love sweeps you off your feet and everything falls into place.
But San Francisco is too much-- the constant feeling that I was falling short of everyone else's version of success. I needed a break, which is why I had accepted the invitation to go camping with some old friends.
And now here I am, standing in front of this mountain man who makes my heart rush and my thighs slick with want. I'm only here for a short time and I need to keep my wits with me and not allow myself to fall into lust with this hunk of a man with a body so hot and pussyy, I'm practicing shaking with the need to touch him.
But I can't... and I won't give into his charm.
Chapter Four