Page 40 of Ruthless King
Enzo nods slowly, backing away from me. “You were. You were going to kill him. I knew I couldn’t trust you. I knew there was something off. You’re in so much fucking trouble. Nico!” he shouts. “You need to get in here now!”
“No, please,” I beg. “Please.”
Enzo scoffs. “You’re fucking screwed.”
Nico comes running into the bedroom. “What’s going on?”
I know in this moment that everything is going to go wrong. I’ll either be locked up or killed.
I have to save myself, and to do that, I need to throw Enzo under the bus.
“He came at me with that knife!” I shout.
All the color drains from Enzo’s face. “No. Lying bitch!”
Nico whirls around to face Enzo and grabs the knife from him. “Don’t speak to my wife that way.”
“She had the knife!” Enzo says. “She was going to kill you.”
“Somehow, I doubt that. All I see is you with the knife, Enzo.”
“He came in here and tried to hurt me,” I say, the lie escaping me easily. “Please, Nico.”
Nico stands protectively in front of me, and I can’t help the flash of guilt that courses through me.
But I need to do whatever it takes to survive. This is for my father. He’s what matters.
“I’ll have your fucking head for this,” Nico says. “Coming after my wife? What the hell has gotten into you?”
“I didn’t do anything,” Enzo growls.
“Don’t kill him,” I blurt out, making both men look at me in surprise. “Just … fire him. I don’t want any blood on my hands.”
Nico stares at me for a long moment before he nods. “You heard her, Enzo. You’re fired.”
“I don’t want a man around the house who wants to hurt my wife. You’re fired.”
“You’re not even going to let me explain?” Enzo begs.
“There’s nothing more to say. Go,” Nico growls.
Enzo looks between Nico and me before he shoots me a glare and storms out of the room. Nico takes out his phone and calls someone. “Enzo is leaving. He’s fired. Make sure he’s gone.” He hangs up and turns to me.
“Are you all right?” he asks, placing his hands on my arms.
Am I all right? I just got an innocent man fired who just wanted to do his job and protect his boss.
So, no, I’m not all right.
I can’t tell Nico any of this, so I just lean into his arms and let him hold me. It’s the first comforting touch I’ve ever received from him.
I don’t want to ever leave this moment.