Page 31 of Quarterback Keeper
Slut?I jumped back.Can he see me? What should I do? Pretend I wasn’t listening, or not deny anything and go up there, defend myself, and find out what Kylian wants to do?
The click of stilettos crossed the deck. Hatred for his father chased away the momentary shock of what he’d called me. When no more footfalls sounded, I knew Mr. Wilder and his young wife had left.
The second option won as an invisible thread pulled me to Kylian, and I scaled the stairs. He stood with a white-knuckled grip on the stern railing, looking over the water, his back to the dock. Mirroring his pose, I curled my fingers around the metal, not turning toward him until he moved. Our gazes locked and held, and I gasped at the torment swimming through his smoky-blue eyes. My lungs squeezed, and an ache thrummed in my chest. It was an odd feeling to see him like that—vulnerable.
“Ignore what my dad said about you. He’s an ass.”
“It’s forgotten.” Sort of. Okay, it wasn’t. I would forever hold that against his father. It was too great an insult to call me a slut when he knew nothing about me.
Kylian’s hand settled on my hip. When his other arm wrapped around me and pulled me against his solid chest, I briefly shut my eyes and savored the moment. It couldn’t last, no matter how much I liked being in his arms or how safe he made me feel.
I took a deep breath then said what needed to be vocalized. I knew other things were at stake from how affected he’d seemed. “We can dissolve our agreement. No harm. No foul. Just pretend that there wasn’t one.”
“Gia, my dad will not win this game he’s playing.” He notched my chin up so we were looking at each other again.
Based on the aftereffects of their encounter swimming in his eyes, I wasn’t so sure.
“We’re not giving him the satisfaction of bowing out early. That was his first strike. There will be more, but we’re in this together with something to gain.”
I curled my arms around his neck, wanting to believe him despite the odds I sensed were stacked against us. I couldn’t imagine a father doing that to his son. I didn’t have a father figure, except for my uncle, and he never would have done anything to hurt or use me. It was unfathomable. Pushing onto my toes, I tugged on Kylian’s neck until he lowered his face. And I brushed my lips against his in a gentle caress.
None of that was part of our contract, but the more time I spent with him, the more my walls crumbled. Thoughts fled as he took control of the kiss and swept his tongue past my partedlips to tangle with mine. My head spun, and I squeezed my thighs against the throbbing caused by his simple touch.
He nipped my bottom lip then eased the sting with a swipe of his tongue. I moaned, melting against him. Then his hands cupped my bottom, and he lifted me, my legs automatically wrapping around him. Short, silky strands of hair at the back of his neck met my fingers, and I toyed with them. I wanted to feel all of him. Clothes were an unwanted barrier.
He broke the kiss, pressing his forehead against mine. We took a minute to catch our breath, and as our surroundings came back into focus, surprise danced over my bare arms despite the September heat.
I wanted to strip him and myself bare out in the open. Relinquishing the tight hold with my legs, I slid them down his body until my feet were firmly planted on the deck. Then I rested my palms against his chest and slid my fingers to his broad shoulders, holding on to the tense muscle.
“I…”What?I was so consumed by how he made me feel that I’d lost sight of our surroundings. That wasn’t smart. On the heels of that thought, the fine hairs on the back of my neck rose with the sensation of being watched, and a jolt of fear surged through me. My muscles locked down as I did a visual sweep, assuring myself my ex wasn’t lurking in the shadows somewhere.
“Let’s take this below deck.”
The deep timbre of his voice, hoarse with desire, sent an entirely different kind of tingle dancing over my body, chasing most of my worries aside. I glanced around again, quickly, ever mindful of photographers or someone much worse. When I didn’t see anyone, the feeling passed. I was being ridiculous. I’d been careful and wouldn’t stop being cautious.
With a slow smile, I gave into my need for him that was impossible to deny. “What are you waiting for?”
He whirled and picked me up again. I clutched him tighter, laughter and a sense of freedom filling me. He carried me down the stairs, pausing to close and latch the door behind us.
As we tumbled into bed, I welcomed his weight, giving myself over to the passion only he could give me.
Iwas furious Dad had stopped by the boat when he’d learned from Honeycutt that I’d been avoiding Melanie’s calls. I’d made no promises where she was concerned, and I resented what he was attempting. But for the time, all I could do about him insulting Gia was damage control.
After a quick shower and change into clothes I kept on the boat, I left Gia, who was sexy as hell and fast asleep. I had enough time to call for a ride, get to my condo, grab my laptop, and go to class. I didn’t like leaving her without a vehicle, and I tried to provide mine whenever possible. On the ride, I went through messages and emails, handling what I could until the driver pulled up along the curb in front of my building.
“Sir.” The doorman stopped me. “Your father left strict instructions to let you know the locks are being changed and the penthouse is no longer available to you.” George wiped a shaky hand along his forehead, pushing thinning brown hair to the side.
It was bullshit, but he didn’t know that. I weighed my options. Both Ares and Liam were in class and wouldn’t be any help. I could push my way past the doorman because my dadcouldn’t change the locks or do anything to my condo. If he wanted to, he could make things very difficult for my roommates and me, since he’d bought the place before I had legal access to the trust from my grandfather. But I’d been paying the mortgage ever since I had access to the money. The ownership was supposed to change when I gained access to the trust, but I’d thought better of outright buying the condo—which had been the original plan—when Mom’s bills started rolling in. I’d taken over the payments, with my roommates contributing rent, but hadn’t bothered to refinance and transfer everything into my name.
I glanced at George’s immaculate suit and how tightly he clasped his hands. “My father is wrong in this.” I smiled to remove any perceived reprimand. It wasn’t George’s fight, and I could tell how much he hated being the bearer of this news. I could’ve gone in through the garage if I’d had my keycard. I didn’t. It was sitting in my SUV, which I’d left for Gia’s use.Is Dad having me followed?If so—and I wouldn’t put it past him—he would’ve been aware that I didn’t have my SUV and maybe the ability to access the garage.
I nodded at George, careful to keep my frustration from my voice. “I have class. Afterward, I’ll contact the office to update you and anyone else who needs to know that my dad can’t change the locks.”
It wouldn’t take much—a simple phone call from my lawyer to the building manager, which I would make immediately. It might take some time to update the staff, though. I left, since there was nothing more to do unless I wanted to waste time I didn’t have. Instead, I walked to class without my laptop. I had friends who could email me notes if needed. It was bright and sunny, already promising to be a warm day, but my thoughts were elsewhere.