Page 5 of Yuled By the Orcs

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Page 5 of Yuled By the Orcs

Oh.Theair had entirely vanished fromLydia’slungs, and her eyes darted again toward thisEzog, who was — somehow — still holding her hand with warm, gentle pressure. “Ishall do naught you do not wish for, woman,” he said in his low, velvety voice, at such strange, surreal odds with his scarred, ruined face. “Iam only here to serve, and help build upon the joyTrygbrings you.”

Itwas taking another moment forLydiato digest all this — they meantEzog’s…attentions…would besupplementaltoTryg’s, then?AndTrygwas indeed flashing her another bright, encouraging smile, and drawing her even closer into his side.

“Ach, just like that,” he said. “Onlywhat pleases you, my sweet, even if that’s only his touch.ButI’dbe remiss not to tell you he’s got a wicked tongue, and you’d regret wasting it.”

Withthat,Trygactually winked down towardLydia, as if seeingEzogusing histongueon her would truly be something he would enjoy.Andwait, did he mean — was he sayinghe’dexperiencedEzog’stongue, too?

Butyes, yes, of course he had.Ezogwas one ofTryg’slovers, and now he wanted to… share.Asa gift.ForLydia’s…joy.

Andas she blinked back and forth between them, it distantly occurred to her that she had nothing to lose in trying it.Thiswas obviously important toTryg.Thiswas something he wanted from the lovers in his life.Andif she walked out now, she would surely lose him anyway, so why not make the attempt?Whynot… just see where it went, and then make a choice?

SoLydiabraced herself, and metTryg’seyes, and perhaps even squeezedEzog’swarm hand.Atest.Agift.

“Thankyou for such a generousYulegift,Tryg,” she said, as steadily as she could. “I’mhonoured to accept.”


Lydia’swords were met by yet another broad, delighted grin fromTryg, and a gentle, approving squeeze ofEzog’shand against hers.

“Youhonour us also, sweet thing,”Trygsaid, as he bent down, and pressed a soft kiss toLydia’shair. “I’llbe most glad to share this with you, thisYule.”

Oh.Lydiafelt her face deeply flushing, tilting into the familiar, sweet-scented warmth ofTryg’sneck, and he drew her even closer into his side, his big hand slipping up and down her back with smooth, steady reassurance. “Now, to begin,” he purred, “Iken you oughta be shown your new gift, ach?”

Sheshould?Lydiawas again glancing uncertainly towardEzog, who was already very much on display, especially with that incongruous red bow still tied around his plump green shaft.ButTrygwas nudging her a little forward, and even giving an encouraging slap to her arse.

“Gottaunwrap him, sweet thing,” he said lightly. “Thentake a good look, ach?Seewhat you might like to make full use of, these next days.”

Lydia’sshock surged once again — she really would bemaking useofsuch a horrifyingly hideous orc?Butshe managed a shaky nod, and jerked a step forward.Toward— her gift.Whoshe was supposed to…unwrap.

Herhand was still clasped inEzog’swarm, steady grip, and at least that seemed to make it easier, somehow.Easier, good gods, to drop her blinking eyes back to that thick, silken red ribbon, tied around that long, bulky cock.

Itwas still soft, she realized, with yet another jolt of shock, because it already was quite… improbably proportioned.Andyes,Tryghimself had also been a surprise in that regard — butTryg’swas slimmer and paler, almost always rigid and ready, and latticed all over with veins and multiple scars.Whilethis — this fat, smooth, soft-looking length — felt entirely different, somehow.Asif it wasn’t made to jab inside and make one scream, but to softly open one around it, and then lock itself deep into place.

ButLydiastill couldn’t seem to move any further, let alone reach out toward it — and she was distantly, deeply grateful whenEzoghimself guided her hand closer.Givingher fingers another gentle squeeze before releasing them, so close, now only a breath away…

Andit almost felt like someone else, looked like someone else, asLydia’sfamiliar, trembling fingers reached out to the edge of that red ribbon, and grasped it.Andthen pulled, drawing the ribbon away, away, away, until it was dangling loose in her hand.Whilethe cock she’d unwrapped was no longer dangling at all, but visibly flexing and swelling.Rising.

Lydia’sthroat convulsed as she watched, as that deep green flesh shuddered, expanded, lengthened.Growingfatter and longer with every breath, until it had become something truly, impossibly obscene.Somethingthat couldn’t actually be real, except that it was, itwas— and beside herTrygwas merrily chuckling, and again giving a reassuring pat to her back.

“Again, no need to take it inside you, should you not wish,” he purred at her. “Butit’s so pretty, is it not?Shouldyou not wish to touch it, at least?”

Oh.Lydia’sthroat convulsed again, her eyes darting up towardTryg’ssmug face, and then toEzog’s.Towhere, yes, he was still just as hideous as before, but somehow the truth of that seemed a little more blunted than it had previously.Especiallywith how he was again smiling at her, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

“Onlyshould you wish,” he told her, in that quiet, reassuring voice. “Iam here to serve.”

ButLydiacouldn’t stop searching his soft, strangely expressive eyes, while a new, unnerving uncertainty coiled in her belly. “But— you’resureyou really want this?” she whispered. “Truly?”

Ezog’snod was slow but certain, and yes, that was definitely another smile, crinkling even deeper on his eyes. “Ach, yes,” he replied, his voice low and fervent. “Togain the touch and the scent and the joy of such a sweet, pretty woman — this is a great gift to me, also.”

Oh.Lydiaglanced towardTrygagain, but he was looking back atEzog, his eyes unmistakably fond.Asif… as if this entire bizarre scenario had been meant as a gift forEzog, too.ForTryg’sother lover.Forsomeone he obviously deeply cared about.

SoLydiadrew in a breath, gave a furtive nod.Andthen, she slowly, slowly moved her hand closer, until… she touched it.TouchedEzog, there, on that massive, jutting green length.Feelingthe impossible softness of that warm skin, and how the strength beneath shuddered and swelled even fuller against her light, tentative touch.

“Ach, that’s it,” cameTryg’shusky voice, close in her ear. “Takea good long look, sweet thing.Getto know what’s yours.”

Somethinghitched deep inLydia’sgroin, because she knew that voice ofTryg’s— and yes, yes, that was the familiar hunger, flashing in his eyes as he watched.Saying, all too plainly, that he liked watching this.Likedseeing her do this.

Andin truth, it wasn’t a hardship, was it?Strokingup and downEzog’shuge, pulsing weight, feeling its velvety softness beneath her fingers, feeling a smudge of hot liquid pooling onto her palm as she brushed against its rounded tip.Atwhere the head of him was still fully hidden, enclosed beneath its hood of greenish skin.

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