Page 7 of Yuled By the Orcs

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Page 7 of Yuled By the Orcs

“Ohgods,”Lydiagasped, asTrygagain chuckled beneath her, and spread her thighs even wider.Andthen he slid his big hands upwards, over her dress, curving against her belly, finding her breasts.Whilethat slick slippery heat under her skirts just kept stroking, tasting, caressing.Touchingagain and again with astonishing gentleness, easing her open upon that light, stunning touch.

“Youlike?”Trygmurmured, his hands kneading and squeezing, his own hot mouth kissing and nipping up the side ofLydia’sshoulder.Alreadyworking with far more hardness and purpose thanEzog’ssteady, careful licks, and the contrast felt so strange, almost obscene.EspeciallywhenTryg’sfirm hand tiltedLydia’sface sideways, so he could find her mouth with his.Kissingher with eager, powerful hunger, his tongue already seeking deep inside, whileEzog’stongue below had scarcely begun to delve within.

Butoh, it felt so good, impossibly good.Thosetwo clever mouths working at once upon her, teasing her open for them, while she trembled and squirmed and gasped.Andsomehow even felt herself easing closer toward the bottom tongue, pressing back against it, wanting more, needing more, oh.

Andyes, yes, it was instantly obliging, following just what she wished.Seekingdeeper, harder, but still slow and succulent, as though savouring every taste.WhileTryg’smouth was still sharp and ravenous, his teeth scraping her lips, wringing up the hunger higher, harder, closer, already —

ButthenTrygyanked back, searchingLydia’sface with bright, glinting eyes — and below, that softly stroking tongue had stopped, too.Perhapswaiting forTryg’snext command, just the same wayLydiawas — and oh,Trygwas grasping for the hem of her dress, and smoothly drawing it upward.

“Youwon’t mind seeing myelskannow, ach?” he murmured. “Nowthat you ken how good he feels?”

Oh.Andeven asLydiabelatedly cringed at her own reluctance to seeEzog— and the fact thatTryghad clearly known it, too — she felt herself actually helping him, pulling up both her dress and her shift over her head.Andonce she’d tossed it all away, there was only the impossible, inevitable sight ofEzog’sface.Hoveringclose and hideous between her spread thighs, his torn, broken mouth streaked all over with shiny wetness.With…her.

ButperhapsTryghad been right, because no matter howEzog’sface looked, his tongue had felt so,sogood — and the sight ofTryg’shand on his head like that, guiding him forward intoLydia’swide-open heat, was doing strange, shuddering things inside her.Thingsthat found her actually clenching atEzog’sseeking tongue, as though kissing back at it, oh gods, needing more, deeper, yes —

“Ach, that’s it,elskan,”Tryg’slow voice ordered. “Openher for me.Readyher for my strongSkaiploughing.”

Ezog’smoan shuddered up intoLydia’svery core, his tongue’s gentle, inexorable press deepening, widening.Indeedas if he fully intended to…openher, forTryg.Andyes,Trygwas even shiftingLydiaupon him again, so that he could free his cock from beneath her, its hard jabbing length pointing straight towardEzog’sface…

AndasLydiastared, utterly caught,Ezogeased sideways, and pressed a soft, open-mouthed kiss to the tapered head ofTryg’sfamiliar, rigid cock.Hishand slipping up to circle it as he kissed, clutching that scarred base with gentle fingers — and then he carefully guided that hard, hungry tip up intoLydia’squivering, waiting, wide-open heat.

“Oh,” she gasped, whimpered, as she feltTryg’sslick length carving into her.Slidingin so swift and easy, becauseEzoghad already opened and softened her for it, oh.AndasEzogknelt there, watchingTrygsink inside, his lashes fluttered, his lips parting, a low groan rumbling from his throat.UntilTryghad sunk himself all the way in, pressing up deep — and thenEzogleaned forward again, kissing and licking and tasting.Notjust againstLydianow, but againstTryg, too.

Butit still felt so, so good.Soimpossibly, wonderfully decadent, to haveTryg’sstrength jutted inside her, grinding up again and again, whileEzog’sbrilliant warm mouth licked and caressed upon them.Notseeming to care in the slightest how it looked, how it tasted, how it sounded, or even —Lydiagasped — howTryg’sincreasingly powerful thrusts had slipped him out of her entirely, his rigid wet length slapping hard againstEzog’sface.

ButEzogonly lifted his hooded eyes up, and suckedTryg’sglistening, dripping cockhead inside his mouth.AndwhenTryg’sbig hand curved against the back of his head, pulling him forward,Ezogswallowed him deep with damnable ease, that full scarred shaft vanishing swift and smooth between his eager, sucking lips.

Itwas yet another impossibly shocking sight, another twitch of jealousy, or maybe even shame.BecauseevenLydia’sbest attempts at pleasuringTryghad gotten nowhere near this, right?Andsurely she must have been a pathetic disappointment, in comparison?

ButperhapsTryghad followed that, because his arm abruptly tightened around her waist, his breath hissing hot and close in her ear. “Myelskanis so sweet, ach, pet?” he whispered. “An’ so pretty, with his mouth so full ofSkaiprick.”

Andagain,Trygwas… sharing this with her.Wantingher to be part of it.AndLydiahad to gulp for air, find words, find truth amidst the chaos. “Yes, he’s — very sweet,” she whispered back. “Nowonder you like him so much.”

Beneathher,Tryg’sbody twitched, almost as if surprised — but then he nodded, and his hand slipped down toEzog’ssweaty, hideous face, still stuffed full of his jabbing cock.AndTrygexhaled a slow sigh as his hand stroked againstEzog’sscarred cheek, caressing it as though it was something prized, something precious.

“Ach,Ido like him,” he murmured. “Alwayshave, ach?”

Ezogwas blinking back up towardTrygwith blatant reverence in his expressive eyes, andLydiacould see his tongue and throat working, as if desperately attempting to convey his own affection, his own appreciation.AndTrygliked it, he wanted it, his body heaving beneathLydia’s, his hand still caressingEzog’sface with such soft, unabashed tenderness.

“Ach, enough,elskan,” he breathed, andEzoginstantly drew back again, his eyes downcast, asTryg’shard, scarred length slowly extended from his mouth.Untilit had bobbed fully free again, andEzoggently guided it back insideLydia, his eyes fluttering as he leaned forward, and again pressed his lips against their joined bodies.

Buteven as the pleasure surged and swayed, rising with every sharp plunge ofTryg’ships beneath her,Lydiaseemed caught in it, somehow, trapped in the power of that previous moment.Andshe felt her trembling hands slipping downwards, their tentative touch instantly twitchingEzogbackwards, his eyes wide and uncertain — but then she drewTryg’sstrength out again, and pointed it towardEzog’shideous, blinking face.

“Again, if you would,” she choked out. “He’sright.Youwere just — so pretty, with him inside you.”

Shedidn’t miss the shock inEzog’seyes, and then his shy, furtive little nod, as he again suckedTrygdeep.WhilebeneathLydia,Tryggasped and groaned, his face suddenly buried in her neck, his teeth scraping hard.Andhis clever fingers had slipped down to where his cock had been, easing up inside her, and there was the feel of another finger easing in, too.Ezog’sfinger, oh hell, as his eyes blinked up at her with worshipful gratitude, his mouth still sucking greedily aroundTryg’scock.

“Youdon’t mind — ifIgrant him — my seed?”Trygwas gasping, his breaths hitching into her throat. “Oughtabe — yours, sweet thing.”

ButLydia’shand was reaching up behind her, catching against the back ofTryg’shead, drawing him down closer, as both orcs’ fingers twisted and tangled together inside her. “No,” she gasped back. “Wanthim — you — both of you — to have it.Agift.”

Trygagain groaned into her neck, his teeth scraping — and then he bit down, hard, as he bucked up powerfully beneath her, and poured out deep intoEzog’stight sucking throat.IntowhereEzog’spreviously hideous face looked almost beatific, alight with pleasure and joy, as his throat convulsed again and again and again.Instrange, syncing time withTryg’shard, hungry swallows againstLydia’sear, and then — she jerked, flailed, cried out — with her own fierce, desperate release, pulsing around the orcs’ fingers.Thesensation so strong and staggering that the room reeled away, and there was only white wailing ecstasy, screaming and shattering behind her eyes.

Andthen… stillness.Shaky, trembling stillness, holding all three of them locked together.Tryg’steeth sunk inLydia’sneck, his cock buried inEzog’sthroat, and both their fingers still thrust deep inside her.Whiletheir breaths heaved, thick and heavy, almost as one.

Itwas finallyTrygwho drew away first, gently extracting his teeth fromLydia’sskin, and giving it a soft, lingering kiss.Whilebetween their legs,Ezogslowly pulled back too, easingTryg’sshiny, much-subdued length from his mouth, until it fell down slack and still.AndthenEzogslid out his finger, andTryg’stoo, only to replace them with… his mouth.Hisgentle, reverent mouth, kissing her there with exquisite, aching sweetness.

“Th-thank you,”Lydiawhispered, onceEzoghad drawn away again, his eyes shimmering as they flicked between her andTryg. “Thatwas just so — lovely.”

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