Page 9 of Yuled By the Orcs
Andright, howTrygreached forEzog’shead, yanked him close, and… kissed him.Kissedhim with just the same fierce intensity that he’d kissedLydia, biting hard enough that she could see a trickle of red streaking downEzog’sscarred chin.
Butthere wasn’t even the slightest twinge of jealousy, not even at the fact thatEzog’sthrobbing cock was buried whole inside her, filling her to her very limit, while he so eagerly kissed someone else.WhileTrygfuriously kissed him back, and then —Lydiagasped — he suddenly swung his tall body up overEzog’s, so he was looking down at her overEzog’sshoulder.Hiseyes fiery and flashing with hunger, his teeth bared sharp and white.
“Youshall not mind, sweet pet,” he hissed, his breaths oddly laboured, “ifIplough myelskanthus, ach?”
Lydia’sgroan was hoarse and betraying, her tongue sweeping against her lips. “Of— course not,” she choked. “Hefeels — sogood.”
Tryg’sanswering nod was jerky and quick, his hand already working down between them, makingEzoggasp and arch, his eyes fluttering — and then, oh, oh,Lydiacould almostfeelTrygfinding that hot sweet tightness with his hard hungry cock, piercing it open around him.Andin return, she feltEzog’scock swelling fuller against their own already-snug fit, locking them even tighter in place, asTrygpressed further and further inside.
“Sogood,”Tryggasped, his silver head thrown back, showing his long, corded, convulsing neck. “Ach, just like that.Suckme all the way in,elskan, so nice and tight, show me how good you are,ach—”
AboveLydia,Ezogwas moaning too, his eyes dazed and desperate — and he jerked against her, inside her, at the telltale slap of skin against skin, at the sound ofTrygsurely slamming deep.FillingEzog, just asEzogwas filling her, and oh, it was impossible, it was unthinkable, it was utterly unreal…
“Ach, that’s it,”Trygbreathed, his glinting eyes darting betweenEzogandLydia, his chest heaving. “That’sso good.Sosweet.Bothof you.Evenbetter thanIthought.Ach.”
He’dabruptly grasped for a handful ofEzog’slong hair, yanking his head back — but the flash acrossEzog’seyes was only pleasure, craving, anticipation.AndTryg’smouth curled into a sly, menacing grin as he heldEzogthere, as he slowly, deliberately drew out again, asEzog’shuge body quaked with the loss of it…
AndthenEzogbucked and shouted asTrygdrove back inside.Theimpact driving him tighter intoLydia, too, and oh, it felt good, so, sogood— and behindEzog,Trygwas fully laughing now, his head again thrown back, his clawed grip tightening inEzog’shair.
“Evenbetter, my sweets,” he purred at him, at her, at them, with greedy satisfaction in his glittering eyes. “Ach, you’re both so pretty, aren’t you?Sogood, when you’re being ploughed together by a goodSkaiprick?”
BothEzogandLydiafrantically nodded, andLydiawas even clutchingEzogcloser, clinging to his warm solid safety, whileTrygdrew out again, and then slammed back inside.Makingthem both shudder and moan, their voices rising with every powerful plunge ofTryg’ships — andTryg’seyes were blazing now, almost feral, as he punched in again and again and again.
“Sosweet,” he gasped, his voice cracking. “Soperfect.Andyou’ll both be even sweeter when you’re stuffed chock-full of good seed, ach?Whenyou’re both stretched wide open and leaking for me, because you’re both mine, mine,mine—”
He’dsnapped out the words with harsh, forceful thrusts, with pure flashing menace in his eyes — and with one last, vicious plunge, he was groaning, guttural and deep, as ecstasy shot across his face.AsEzogbeneath him startled and shook, his eyes wide, his strength still insideLydiaquivering sharp — and then he was shouting into her neck as he sprayed out deep, too.Surgingher full of his hot thick seed, flooding her every last space with him — until her own pleasure finally caught again, too.Kickingand throbbing around him, clutching him, kissing him,thankinghim.
AndperhapsEzogwas thanking her, too, moaning as he lowered his hideous face to kiss her again.Andshe was already arching up to meet him, to taste him, to make his gentle, generous beauty her own.
Whenthey drew apart again,Ezog’seyes were blinking, looking very bright, as his breath shuddered again, again.Andwait, perhaps that was because ofTryg, who currently had his face buried inEzog’sneck, his throat audibly gulping as he rapidly, greedily swallowed.
Oh.Itwas just so damned typical of him, enough that a helpless little smile twitched onLydia’smouth — and above her,Ezogwas smiling, too.Lookingjust as softly affectionate as she felt, and she swallowed hard as she searched his face, his lovely, expressive eyes.
“You’restill — sure, about this?” she whispered at him. “Youdidn’t want to — to keep him all to yourself?”
Becauseshe somehow understood what this truly was, now, in a way she hadn’t before.Tryghadn’t had other lovers.He’dhadEzog.Andhe lovedEzog, and perhaps he had for a long, long time.
AndEzogwas still smiling down at her, so warm and tender and kind. “Ach,Iam sure,” he murmured back. “Youhave granted me great joy in this, woman.Agreat gift.OneIhave longed for all my life.”
Butthat was perhaps a flicker of sadness in his eyes, too.AndLydia’shands were stroking at his face, seeking it, needing to know the truth of it. “Butyou weren’t — jealous?” she whispered. “WhenTrygstarted coming to me?”
Thatwas definitely another shift inEzog’seyes, a telltale swallow in his throat. “Ach, only a little,” he said softly. “Iknew how deeply he longed for this, and you are far from the first, ach?Andhe should have freely granted me leave to do the same.”
Oh.Wait.SoEzog…hadbeen jealous of her, then.AndTryghad — he must have askedEzog’spermission to keep seeing her, and of courseEzoghad given it, because he would give anythingTrygasked.Upto and including… being aYulegift for his new mistress.WhichEzoghad readily done, down to the damned red ribbon.
“I’m— so sorry,Ezog,”Lydiawhispered up at him, her eyes blinking hard, as her hands stroked his face. “Iwould never have agreed to it, ifI’dknown.Youdeserved better.”
Butat that,Tryggave an odd choking sound, and his silver head snapped up fromEzog’sneck, his eyes mightily glowering down atLydia’sface.Asight that was made even more alarming by the fresh red smeared across his lips and beard, and dripping down his chin onto her shoulder.
“Ach, what’s this?” he demanded, as his hand still inEzog’shair yanked his head up, so he could frown at his face, too. “Notonly didIhunt a good, sweet, lovely woman for us, butItook my good time upon this, and made sure she was all that she seemed!Itested her work and her kindness and her fealty, and her word upon whether she could share her joy with you!”
Wait.Wait, what?ButTrygwas still glowering viciously between them, and givingEzog’shead a fierce little shake. “And,” he continued, even harder, “Itested how she would treat you,elskan, with nary a warning from me!ForIshould never bring any woman into our life — or our bed — who might harm you, or cause you pain, or even speak a single harsh word to your perfect face!”
Oh.Oh.WasTrygsaying — this had really all been some kind oftest?Somekind of grand scheme on his part?And—Lydia’seyes darted towardEzog’sstunned-looking face — surely he hadn’t known about it, either?
“Itold you again and again,elskan,”Trygcontinued flatly, his eyes still glaring atEzog, “Ishould never leave you for another.Youaremine.Youhavealwaysbeen mine.”
Hisvoice had gone dark and scathing, his long tongue blatantly licking at his reddened mouth.WhileEzog’seyes fluttered closed, perhaps with pain, or relief, or both — and then they opened again.CatchingonLydia’sface, holding there, almost as if drawing up courage.