Page 75 of InfraRed
“That’s enough.” Graham’s voice cuts through their bickering like a razor. The two men I love with everything in me snap their heads his way. He’s younger than both of them, but he commands attention and demands to be heard no matter where he is or who he’s speaking to. It seems they’re not an exception. “I’m not asking for anyone’s approval or permission. If you don’t like that I’m with her, that’s your problem, so you can save the bullshit for when you leave. Casey has something to say, now let her speak.”
Uncle H nods, a smirk pulling his lips as he folds his arms across his chest and leans back into the sofa. Dad tries to hide it, but I see the respect growing in his eyes.
But now, all eyes are on me. My heart pounds against my ribs so hard, it feels like I’m being smacked with a hammer again and again. I can hear my blood pumping in my ears. Tingling ticklesmy nose and lips. I take a deep breath, my eyes squeezing shut as the ringing in my head weighs down my lashes.
And I tell them everything. Even the things that happened before Mom and Dad’s divorce. I tell them the things she did and said. How she locked me in my room for days when Dad would be on the road without food or water or a bathroom. How she’d use whatever she could get her hands on to punish me after I wet myself because I didn’t have anywhere to go, then make me clean up my mess.
I tell them how she brought men around when Maxwell was out of town and would be irate when I was rude to them because I didn’t want them to touch me. Or she would get angry because they paid attention to me. I was never sure what to expect when she invited them over, but whatever I did was never right.
Then I tell them all that happened the night I drove the car off the road. But I also tell them what she said after I woke up in the hospital. She didn’t care that I heard her trying to prostitute me for nothing more than a brand deal, only that now I wasworthless and scarred.
Tears roll down my face. Snot drips from my nose. It’s not pretty at all, but I can’t stop it. No matter how hard I try, the sobs get harder with every word.
Uncle Henry looks angrier than I’ve ever seen him. He sits leaning forward with his knees bouncing uncontrollably. His hands are draped between his spread legs, fists clenching and unclenching so tightly his knuckles turn white.
Graham’s anger is blistering. Literal heat radiates from his body, causing me to sweat. He shakes with barely tempered rage against me. His grip on me tightened with every word I uttered, shooting pain through my hips, no doubt leaving bruises I’ll see tomorrow. He swears and curses under his breath, saying thingsthat made me shudder.
Dad is leaning forward like Uncle Henry, with his elbows resting on his knees, but his hands are folded and his head is bowed. His broad shoulders carry the heavy weight of regret and pain. A curtain of blond several shades darker than mine hides his face. “Can you two give me a few minutes with Casey alone?” His voice is ragged and deep, shaking with sadness.
“Sure.” Uncle Henry stands, looking at Graham. “I need to talk to you, anyway.”
Graham’s tenses, his fingers digging deeper into my flesh. I look over my shoulder, offering a small smile and a reassuring nod, letting him know I’m okay.
Strangely, it’s true. I feel lighter. Less encumbered by the weight of lies. My spirit has been unburdened, yet my heart breaks regardless, as I knew it would, because Dad’s heart is breaking.
I stand up from Graham’s lap, then watch as he and Uncle H go out on the terrace. When the door shuts, I face Dad.
He looks up at me, his blue eyes glistening. Leaning back, he opens his arms and jerks his head. “Come here, Case.”
I’m snuggling against him in two strides. His arm wraps around my shoulder, squeezing me tight as he rests his face against my hair. “I tried so fucking hard to protect you, and somehow, I fucked it all up. I should’ve realized… I’m so sorry, baby.” His voice shakes with regret and anger, though I know the latter isn’t toward me. If I thought my tears had dried, I was mistaken. They pour like rain from heaven down my hot cheeks. “I’m sorry you went through any of that. Youshouldn’thave gone through any of that. I failed you so badly.”
“You didn’t, Daddy,” I sniffle hard as I try to breathe through my sobs. “You were all I wanted, and she said if I told you, she’d make sure I never saw you. And you’d been through so muchbecause of me already—sacrificed so much.”
“Dammit, Casey.” He sits up, pulling me away from him, then shifts our bodies so we’re facing each other. Two heavy hands rest on my shoulders as his blue eyes blaze into mine. “That’s exactly my point. If you think anything I’ve done as your dad has been a sacrifice, I failed you. Nothing—not one penny, not one second—was wasted. If anything, it wasn’t enough.” He sighs hard and drags me back to his chest. “I’m not perfect, and I never claimed to be, but if there was ever one perfect thing in my life, it was you. Being your dad was never a hardship. It was my honor.”
Years of doubt and worry—feeling like an unwanted and unneeded burden—wash away, if only for a moment. Because damage like mine can’t be undone in a day. But for now, my battered and bruised heart feels a little less jagged and sharp.
“I love you, Casey. I will always love you. You could be just like your mom, and I would still love you.” A violent ripple at the thought cuts through me, and Dad chuckles. “That’s not something you need to worry about either. You’re just like Grandma Becky. Your heart is so big, you don’t know how to do anything but worry about the people you love. She’s why Gram’s started calling you Sunflower, you know?” I nod against him, too choked up to speak. “Speaking of… This thing with you and him…”
“I love him, Dad. I’ve loved him since I was a little girl.”
“Does he love you?”
“Yes.” There’s not a second’s hesitation. “His love just had to… evolve.”
Dad sighs as he presses his lips to my hair before resting his cheek against my head again. “I want to be pissed. Iwaspissed for a second. But I know it makes me a hypocrite. Do I have to like him?”
“No,” I giggle. “But you have to be nice.”
“Fine,” he grunts as he pulls us back against the sofa again. “I suppose I only have myself to blame, and I can’t fault him for falling in love with you. I fell the minute you took your first breath.”
We’re quiet for a moment, lost in our thoughts and need to cling to each other, when I break the silence. “Daddy, will you sing to me?”
His breath catches. He’s only recently begun singing again. It’s been years since he sang for me, and just as long since I asked. Instead of answering, he hums Guns & Roses and I smile.
“Who knew you were such a softy?” I tease when he finishes.
“No one.” He kisses the top of my head and then stands up. His hand extends toward me, and when I accept it, he pulls me to my feet. “And you don’t get to tell them.” He clips my chin and winks.