Page 36 of The Vampire's Mate
“I do. And I owe you an apology.” I cleared my throat. “Last year when you said Luke was a vampire hunter, I called you ridiculous and sent you home.”
Kian relaxed. “Because itwasridiculous. Luke’s side hobby wasn’t?—”
“A hobby at all,” I finished for him.
The only sound was my heartbeat in my ears. I couldn’t look at Kian while I waited for his reply. Instead, I stared across the room at the bookshelf, at the empty space whereDraculabelonged.
“What do you mean?” he asked slowly.
“Lukedidhunt vampires—because he thought they were monsters.”
I held up my hand, and he let me continue. “There’s a whole group of hunters; Dani was a member too.” My throat tightened around her name. I’d wanted her to stop hurting James—I’d never wanted her dead. I shook off the memory. “Dani tried to kill me last year. She was trying to lure James here so they could slay him. James is a vampire, and this group that Luke and Dani worked for has been hunting him for years. Dani’s the one who set fire to the bar last year.”
Kian’s mouth worked, but no sound came out.
“I know this is a lot,” I said gently. I leaned forward, hoping he took the action as comfort. “If you need to talk with anyone about all of this, we told Hannah about James yesterday.”
“I don’t even know where to begin,” Kian muttered. “The fire at Liz’s. The news said?—”
“That it was electrical, yeah. All the reports were doctored. Dani wanted to take James down and would have done anything to make that happen, including taking me out with him. She drugged me and tied me up. Luke didn’t agree with any of that. Before he ran out of the building, he loosened my ties and made me promise to look after you.”
Kian was staring at me with a dumbfounded expression on his face. His glossy eyes blinked, hands frozen in his lap where he’d been tugging on his fingers. “Are you drunk?”
I choked out a nervous laugh. “I wish I was, but I respect you too much to lie to you.”
Kian shook his head and dropped his face into his hands. “Let me get this straight. Your boyfriend is a vampire. The man I believed my whole life to be my big brother isn’t my brother at all and has beenhuntingyour boyfriend.”
“Washunting,” I corrected. “I think he made it clear when he fled that he was done with that life.”
“Right. What does this have to do with my birth family? Are you saying my parents were vampires?”
“No, your parents were killed in an accident.” I fought against a wave of nausea as I prepared myself for my next words. “And I think Luke was responsible.”
“What?” Kian shot to his feet. From where I sat, he towered over me. “Luke killed my parents, and then decided to adopt me? As what? Some form of atonement?”
“Maybe. I know it’s a lot, but if that’s true, he also saved your life.”
“How do we know for sure?”
“We don’t,” I said, looking up at him. “Not unless we talk to Luke.”
“You were the last person to see him.” It wasn’t a question.
“I guess I was.”
“And he told you to take care of me.”
“He did.”
“Did he tell you where he was going? Has he reached out to you since?”
I shook my head slowly. “I’m sorry. If I knew, I’d tell you.”
Kian slumped as the fight left his body and he collapsed back onto the couch next to me. “I don’t know what to think.”
“I’d say you’ve earned a little time to figure that out.”