Page 74 of The Vampire's Mate
“I regret my decision.”
“I’m returning now,” Gabriel announced. “Put your clothes back on.”
“Wait until you find your mate,” James told him. “You’ll be just as insatiable.”
“Even in the face of danger?”
“Ah, the risk only makes it hotter.”
I took another glance around the space. The living room was big enough to fit an entire football team. Across the entrance sat a formal dining room, and between the two a grand staircase that led to the second floor where I assumed the bedrooms were.
“You have all this to yourself?” I asked. Gabriel answered with a nod. “Doesn’t it ever get to be too much?”
“Not really.” He shrugged. “I know I’ll have someone to share it with someday. I just have to be patient.”
With a break in the conversation, my eyes fell on the row of bookshelves across the room. I was too far away to read the titles, but it started something in my mind. “Dracula,” I whispered.
Gabriel crooked a brow and followed my gaze to the shelf. “Even I can’t see that far.”
“Neither can I but that’s not the point. I never finished it.”
“There is a copy if you?—”
“No, no; that’s not what I’m getting at.” I looked at James. “I never finished the book.”
“I’m not following, love.”
“You found the conduit in the bar stuck between the pages ofDracula. The last time I had the book, I set it down on the couch and didn’t pick it up again. I never finished it, I never even put it back on the bookshelf. Did you clean up your office that night?”
Realization flashed in James’s eyes. “No. That was the night you cut your hand. I…” At the memory of exactly what happened that night, my cheeks flushed. James paused, eyes flitting to Gabriel. “I went home before you did, remember?”
“But therewassomeone in your office that night. Someone who has unrestricted access to my house.”
James’s eyes widened. “No, you don’t mean?—”
James was cut off by the sound of my phone ringing. It was Hannah.
And she was sobbing.
“Hold on, Han,” I told her. “I need you to slow down. I can’t understand you. What’s going on?”
“Kian’s place is a wreck!” I halted James with a hand on his chest. “It looks like the front door was kicked in and there’s stuff everywhere. Kian isn’t answering his phone and?—”
“Get out of there, Hannah.” I had a sinking feeling in my stomach. “Go to your dorm room and stay there. James is going to come get you and I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
“Go,” Gabriel told us. “Deal with it. I promise I’ll take care of the conduits.”
I was already in the driver seat by the time Hannah ended the call. James grabbed the door, preventing it from shutting. “You’re not driving right now, Ryder. Let me.”
I was shaking my head. “I need your vampire speed right now. You’ll be able to get to Hannah much faster than we can in a car.I’ll keep trying to get a hold of Kian, and I’ll meet you there.”
“I really don’t want to leave you right now, Ryder.”
“Please.” I looked up at him with pleading eyes. “Get to Hannah.”
James hesitated, fear clouding his features. That was one emotion I’d grown accustomed to recognizing over the last year and as much as I hated it, I needed him to push past it this time. He glanced around us, then ducked into the car to pull me in for a kiss. “I love you,” he whispered. “Promise me you’ll be careful.”
“I promise. I love you too.”