Page 50 of On the Wild Side
She smacks my arm and pulls her phone out of her purse.
“No messages or calls, so that’s a good sign,” she says as she taps the screen and then holds the phone up, and it starts to ring on speakerphone.
“Hello, dear,” my mom says in greeting.
“Hi, Joy. Good morning and happy New Year. How’s Daisy today?”
“Oh, she’s great. She’s watching cartoons with Holly and Johnny. Do you want to speak to her?”
“Sure, just for a moment.”
There’s some rustling around and then Daisy’s voice comes out of the phone. “Hi, Mama! I’m having so much fun! We made homemade pizza last night, and today, we had bacon and eggs from eggs that we collected out of thebackyard, fromchickens!And Grandma made fresh bread for toast. And now we’re watching TV, and Grandma told us that we can stay again tonight. Can I?”
“Uh,” Abbi looks a little stunned at the turn of events. “I’m glad you’re having so much fun, baby, but I should talk to Joy about another night.”
“You can totally talk to her. Okay, bye, Mom! Love you!” The phone is passed, andmymom comes back on the line.
“She’s such a happy child,” Mom says with a chuckle. “I just love her to pieces. Like she said, it’s fine with us if the kids stay another night. I think John is going to take them down to the barn to ride around on a pony, and I thought I’d have them help me make some homemade pasta this afternoon.”
“Are yousure?” Abbi asks before biting her lip. “I’m happy to come get her.”
“I’m sure,” Mom says. “She’s not a bother at all. We love her. You have a fun day, and don’t worry about a thing. We’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Well, okay. Thanks, Joy.”
“You’re welcome. Tell my son I said hello.”
“Hi, Ma.” I laugh as Abbi turns bright red. “Have a good day.”
“Love you, Bubba,” Mom says, calling me the name she’s used since I was a toddler, and then ends the call.
“Yourmomknows that I’m here,” Abbi says in a loud whisper.
I glance around the room and then back at her. “Why are we whispering?”
“I don’t know, but your mom knows. And that means yourdadmust know. Holy shit.”
Now I’m laughing my ass off and fall over on the bed, holding my stomach. “We’re adults, Abs. And everyone saw us leave last night. I couldn’t keep my hands off you.”
“Oh, my God,” she groans, throwing her arm over her eyes. “And now, I don’t have any clothes, and I’m going to have to do the walk of shame out of here with last night’s dress on.”
“Whoa.” That has me sobering, and I crawl over her, pinning her to the mattress. “No shame here, Blue Eyes. We are two consenting adults with a babysitter. If it makes you feel better,I’ll run you into town so you can change your clothes and grab another change for tomorrow.”
“My car is still at Erin’s house.”
“We can work out the details.” I can’t resist leaning down to nibble those enticing lips. “Later.”
After another round of sex this morning, Brady drove me to the farmhouse so I could grab my things from yesterday, along with my car. Of course, before leaving, Erin whispered in my ear that Ihadto call her later to fill her in on everything, and I promised to do that as I walked out with a flaming red face.
Then Brady followed me into town so I could take a quick shower and change my clothes before packing a bag for another night away. And let me just say, I feelso much better.My muscles are sore, especially in the areas that have been ignored for way too long, but despite little sleep last night, I feel refreshed and energized. Not to mention excited for the opportunity to spend another full day and night with this incredibly sexy man.
And trust me, Brady is sexy with a capital S.
“I’m ready,” I announce as I walk downstairs and find Brady sitting in the chair, thumbing through his phone. “Sorry for making you wait. Drying my hair takes forever, but it’s necessary in the winter.”