Page 57 of On the Wild Side
Brady’s eyes turn to me, narrow, and then he grins in a way that says,Yeah, I fucked her, and I plan to do it a lot more.
It makes me shiver with anticipation.
“Now he’s fucking her with his eyes,” Summer says with a sigh as she leans into Chase when his arms circle around her from behind. “Isn’t it the sweetest?”
“Adorable,” Rem mutters, grabbing a carrot off of a vegetable platter.
“Oh, baby girl,” I mutter, watching as Daisy climbs to the top of a huge snowball that Jake just finished rolling. “Please be careful.”
Before I can hurry to the door, Jake’s at her side, wraps his arms around her waist, and lifts her off, shaking his head, obviously telling her not to do that.
“He’s going to be thebestbig brother,” Polly says with a huge grin. And then, to all of our horror, tears fill her eyes. “I just love him so much.”
“She’s leaking,” Brady says, pointing at Ryan. “Fix her.Fix her.”
“It’s okay,” Ryan croons, holding Polly in a hug. “No need to cry, babe.”
“It’s hormones,” she says, sniffling. “Stupid hormones.”
“Looks like that’s what I have to look forward to,” Summer says. “I’ll stock up on tissues.”
“You’ll need lots,” I agree, and then my heart leaps into my throat. “Wait, WHAT?”
Chaos ensues as we rush the couple, hugging and laughing, and maybe a few of us are crying, and I love all of this so much. Being a part of these people, this family.
This is my tribe, and God, I love them with my whole heart.
“What’s wrong?” Jake demands. “Why is my mom crying?”
“Good tears,” Polly assures him as Daisy takes my hand in hers, her brown eyes wide as she takes everything in.
“I’m going to have a baby,” Summer says with a sheepish smile. “We just found out yesterday. I’m glad I didn’t drink much at the party.”
“Cool,” Jake decides and crosses over to hug her. “That’s awesome.”
“He’s the cutest,” I whisper to Brady, who’s smiling like a loon.
“I know,” he says.
“More babies,” Johnny says, looking up at his dad. “Blech.”
“You don’t like babies?” I ask him.
“They’re loud and smelly, and they don’t know any jokes. Plus, they’re messy.”
“But they’re so cute,” Holly says, jumping up and down. “And so tiny. I want to hold all the babies. Can we have babies?”
“Not today,” Erin says with a laugh, but Remington kisses her on the head, and I can’t help but wonder if they’re trying.
“It’s a good day,” Chase says, holding on to his wife. “A damn good day.”
“Swear jar!” Daisy yells, making us all laugh.
Despite the spring equinox happening more than two weeks ago, we had a doozy of a snowstorm blow through here yesterday, covering all the spring flowers with three inches of snow. It’s not uncommon, and yet every single time it seems to take us by surprise.