Page 4 of Queen of Vice
“You look amazing, too,” I returned her appraising compliment meaning every word. The beautiful woman in front of me was the same Melody Bellucci I’d been best friends with since middle school, but her outward appearance was almost that of a stranger. Hermessy, lopsided ponytail had been replaced with silky dark curls piled on her head in an elegant updo. A classy navy dress clung to a beautiful body with generous curves that had once been petite and always covered by oversized hoodies.
“I want to say I’m glad you’re back, but considering the why, I’d feel like a vain bitch.”
“I can’t believe I’m here either. Never thought I would be,” I replied with a wistfulness I couldn’t hide. “But what are you doing here? I told you to finish your trip.”
“Hm, lounge on a beach and drink cocktails, or go home to support my best friend who I haven’t seen in far too long, on what has to be one of the hardest days of her life? God, the decision was such a hard one to come to.”
I ignored her blatant sarcasm. “Did Peyton come with you?”
Just as I finished asking, he came around the corner half jogging to reach us.
He threw his arms around me as Melody had, but where her hug was bone bone-crushing his was debilitating. “I’m so fucking sorry, babe.” He shook me side to side, crushing my face into his solid chest.
“Don’t break her, Peyton,” Melody chided, smacking his muscled arm.
“Oh, please. She can take a lot more than this.” He let go and smiled down at me with a wink, his hazel eyes full of concern. Peyton was one of the only people I would accept it from.
I smirked at his lobster-patterned bowtie and blonde coiffed hair. Unlike Mel, he really hadn’t changed a bit. He fully embraced who he was, and I loved that for him.
“People are starting to leave. Didn’t think you’d wanna be the last one here. Ride with us? I can drop you at home later.”
I could’ve kissed him for that. “I think that sounds like the best idea I’ve heard in a long time.”
“I do my best.”
I flashed him a grateful smile, allowing him to link our arms together. Part of me considered going to tell my uncle and grandma goodbye, but then I’d have to go back inside. Sending a text would have to suffice. If this had been a true memorial for Aunt Molly, I wouldn’t dare leave like I this, but the cold hard truth couldn’t be ignored.
“Were you two able to come straight back here?” I asked, needing to distract myself and genuinely curious.
Melody slid a glance my way, taking possession of my other arm. “Funny you ask that because I was told where to go by a man known to work for Escuro.”
“Me too. What’s up with that?” Peyton asked.
So, he’d really told people to stay away from me? “I’ll explain in the car,” I muttered, knowing they would want full disclosure and answers as to why he sought me out, answers I didn’t have.
I closed my eyes, soaking up my last few moments of peace.
“Are you going to be—?”
“Nope, you two aren’t allowed to ask me those questions right now, remember?”
I peeled my eyes open to Melody scowling at me from the front seat. “It was about the house.”
“Ugh, not that either,” I huffed in response, glancing over at the home in question. It looked like something out of Martha Stewart magazine, white stucco with light grey accents and a tiny rose garden in the very front. Nothing like it did when my parents lived there.
Peyton broke the silence in the car. "Just to clarify, you're serious about what we discussed earlier?"
I met his gaze through the rearview mirror and nodded confidently.
"I can't just accept things as they are. I need answers and I want to know why the headof a criminal empire is suddenly taking an interest in me.”
Peyton scoffed and Melody's expression turned into a scowl. I raised my hand to stop them from starting another argument. "I'm not saying I'm uninteresting, but there's no logical reason for him to personally greet me upon my return to his city."
"Yeah, I have no idea what that could be about. It's unlikely he has any connection to what happened," Melody replied.
"Well," Peyton said slowly, considering his words carefully. "You are the long-lost heir of the Castello family, and that would definitely catch his attention."