Page 7 of Queen of Vice
The clients who paid for the full experience often left behind souvenirs in the form of bruises or welts, while those who sought a more extreme session would sometimes push their bodies to the brink and take their last breath before departing. I didn't care what went on as long as my two rules were followed: discretion was key, and payment was made upfront. There were a select few women off-limits to the sadist, and another few purchased from a Malignant underground specifically to satisfy that specific market. All the others were interchangeable and if they died, I simply tacked on a disposal fee.
Very few of my girls were granted exceptions to how things got done. The two before me weren’t fortunate enough to be amongst those that did. The one on the left had been around for a decent amount of time thanks to my father. Although beautiful, with long honey blonde hair, doe brown eyes, and subtle curves, she was beyond salvaging and my mother no longer tolerated her presence or him fucking her. But that was a small part of a much larger issue.
“Am I to believe neither of you has any idea what this book looks like?” I continued my line of questioning. They shook their heads in unison.
“Use your words.”
“N-no,Patrão, of course not.” The one on the right answered.
I’d asked this question three times in three different ways, giving each of them ample opportunity to tell the truth and they continued to do otherwise.
I knew this because the man I had been sending to fuck them off the books was one of my own. He recorded them from the time they sucked his dick as a team to the moment they agreed to be informants if he got them out of the city. They claimed to know the location of a ledger that held invaluable information. I wished I could say their deaths wouldn’t be personal, or I wouldn’t enjoy it, but both would be a lie. I didn’t take kindly to anyone that was a liability to my family.
To threaten that was to fuck with my money, my empire, and those that served me. I didn’t give a fuck about being liked or disliked. Loyalty and respect, however? That was paramount. These women had neither. I nodded, pretending I believed them, flashing the charming smile that always put people at ease. The whore on the left fixed her attention on the file I had sitting on the table. Our eyes met and she quickly diverted her gaze when she realized her error.
“She’s divine, isn’t she?” I picked up the large black and white photograph of Elena Castello that was resting on top of a thick file and a few other photos.
“Yes,” she said softly, refusing to show her true feelings on the matter.
I placed the photo back in the folder and flipped it closed. Peasants should never have the privilege of gazing upon queens. “She’s not like you, is she?”
“No," she replied, her voice now barely a whisper.
It had been a rhetorical question. Of course, Elena wasn’t like her. She’d proven that by choosing to live a life even a sewer rat wouldn’t envy. She hadn’t resorted to fucking, scheming, and begging for fleeting luxury. She would soon be given all of that because she belonged to me in all the ways they dreamed of. I stood and slowly approached the blonde.
“Get on your knees.”
Without shame, hesitation, or question, she dropped to the terracotta.
“Do you know what I want you to do next?”
“Yes,” she breathed, feigning enthusiasm.
I would be insulted if this was the pinnacle of her acting skills, but I had no intention of letting her filthy mouth anywhere near me. Not that I was one to slut-shame. I valued these women’s valiant efforts and line of work. I simply wasn’t prone to sticking my dick somewhere gallons of cum had been emptied. There were some things Listerine and Colgate couldn’t erase.
The blonde's sharp mind was an amusing contrast to her friend's naivety. Fear and warning radiated from her eyes, darting between me and her unsuspecting companion. As the brunette reached for me with trembling fingers, I revealed the gun hidden behind my back.
Her mouth opened in a scream, but before she could make a sound, I pressed the cold barrel against her forehead and pulled the trigger without hesitation. The gunshot echoed through the air. My dick twitched as her lifeless body jolted. Like a puppet that had been lifted up just to have its strings cut, she slumped to the ground. Blood began to pool from the small hole in her head, creating a shallow puddle. The blonde was instantly on her feet, scrambling across the patterned concrete, kicking her heels off in the process. They almost landed in my pool. I watched her go, chuckling to myself.
“Why do you always let them run?” Sergio shook his head in amusement.
“I have to give them some kind of false hope, Gio. Why not let them believe they have a chance of survival?” I set my gun on the table and reclaimed my chair, leaving the brunette's body to bask in the sun. My steward, Jason, specialized in this area. He would retrieve and dispose of her before cleaning the mess up.
“So, this woman, she’s the right pick?” Sergio gestured to the manila folder, going back to the discussion we’d been having before our temporary guests arrived.
“She’s the only pick. There is no one else. It has to be her. It will be her.” I opened the folder again and studied the picture of the woman inside. After being face to face with her, I now knew that I had yet to receive a photograph that did her any justice. She had a classic beauty. What I found most intriguing was her eyes. They were brown and beautiful, but more than that they radiated a natural innocence and showcased how pure she was.
Those eyes were the gateway to a hidden treasure buried deep within her, one that I intended to take for myself. I envisioned them peering up at me while her pouty lips were wrapped around my dick, my come sliding down her throat.
My mind reeled with anticipation, imagining her eyes widening in shock andpleasure as I forced myself inside her for the first time. Every inch of me yearned to feel her quiver and writhe as she rode my face and ground her pussy onto my tongue. There were endless possibilities and plans for our future together. She was untainted by the harsh realities of my world, and it would be my privilege to corrupt her innocence and have her all to myself.
“What have you got for me, Gio?” I asked, reaching for my drink and making myself focus.
“She’s been here a week and hasn’t gone to a single party or event. When she is seen, it’s never without the Bellucci girl or Ross, and you know that little fucker parties hard. What do you think she’s been doing?”
“Recuperating. A week isn’t that long,” Elias chimed in with a shrug. “You have to remember; that she was never fully inducted into this life. Her father wouldn’t allow it. Hersister forced her way back and Elena chose to stay away.”
“He’s right. She isn’t like anyone from around here, which also means she isn’t close to being what I need her to be. Or who.”