Page 16 of Logan
Logan's heart twisted painfully as he looked at Dixie, still refusing to meet his eyes as tears continued to flow down her face, each one tearing him apart. He wanted nothing more than to go to her, take her into his arms and tell her that he did love her. But instead, he found himself shaking his head, unable to speak as he glanced at the men restraining McCarthy, then he stepped closer to him and read him his rights. He looked at the two agents holding onto him.
“Just get him out of here,” he said through gritted teeth.
“I will never forgive you,” Dixie whispered, but he heard her.
After looking in her direction, Logan followedthe men out the door. He saw three other agents walking toward him. After speaking with him for a few minutes, they entered the house to carry out the search warrant.
Logan sighed as he climbed into his truck and started it. After glancing at the house once more, he drove off, his mind went back to when he first met Charles McCarthy…
“Dad, this is Logan Townson, Logan, my father, Charles McCarthy,” Dixie introduced them.
The men shook hands and Logan did all he could not to handcuff him right then and there, but he played his role. The more time he spent with Dixie, the more he made sure they visited with her father every week. After a while, it seemed like McCarthy trusted him and Logan let him.
One day, he was in the man’s office, taking photos of papers on the desk, and McCarthy walked in and stopped when he saw Logan at his desk.
“Mr. McCarthy, I was walking over to the window and knocked some of your papers on the floor. I’m not sure what order they were in, but I just put them on the desk. I apologize, sir.” Logan stared at him, and he was sure McCarthy knew he was lying, but he smiled and nodded.
“It’s fine. I usually have them scattered everywhere on the desk. It’s not the first time they’ve been out of order, but why are you in here?”
Logan glanced at the bookshelves along the wall.
“I like to read, and I was interested in seeing what books you have. Maybe I could borrow one.”
“I see. Well, feel free to look, but next time, please let me know you want to come in here.”
“Yes, sir. I’m sorry.”
“No need to apologize, son. No harm done, but this is my personal office. The door is usually locked.” McCarthy glanced at the door and back at Logan.
“It wasn’t or I wouldn’t have come inside.”
“Hmm, well, that’s on me then. Get a book if you want, then I need to get to work.” McCarthy smiled.
Logan nodded, smiled, and almost gagged at having to be nice to this man who stole millions of dollars from unsuspecting bank customers. He sighed as he walked to the bookshelves, chose a book, then after glancing at McCarthy, he left the room.
The town of Clifton was rocked by the news. The shock that Charles McCarthy, the CEO of one of the largest banks in town, was stealing money was something most of the town couldn’t comprehend, and then to find out that Logan had been undercover to bring him down, left them speechless.
When it came time for Logan to head back to Butte, his father shocked him by telling him he’d been diagnosed with stage two pancreatic cancer. Logan knew then he’d return to Clifton sooner than planned, but for now, he packed his bags and headed back to Butte. Leaving the woman he loved behind. He had tried calling her, but she didn’t pick up, and even thoughhe’d be back to take over the ranch because of his father’s illness, he knew he’d never see her again.
Chapter Three
Logan drove back toward the department, the rumble of the engine and calls over the radio were the only sounds. Just as he was about to turn onto the main road, a call came over the radio, breaking the peaceful silence. There had been a report of a break-in at a nearby house and he was close by. Without hesitation, he grabbed the mic and responded that he would handle it.
Pulling up to the address, Logan could see a car parked in the driveway. The only light was from the porchlight. As he walked toward the house, he saw Dixie step out of the car and braced himself for her trademark sass.
“Of course it would be her,” he muttered under his breath as he approached her.
“Can’t they send someone else besides you?” she snapped, clearly not happy to see him.
“Just fucking deal with it, Dixie. What happened?”
“Some asshole broke into my house. Isn’t that why you’re here?” she retorted.
Logan clenched his jaw. “Don’t give me an attitude. I know you hate me—”
“You have no idea,” she mumbled under her breath.
“But I’m just doing my job. Is the door unlocked?” he asked, trying to keep his tone professional.