Page 22 of Logan
“Obviously not.”
“I’ll call someone to come and get me.”
“I can take you home once another deputy gets here.”
Dixie stepped closer to him. “I’d rather ride with a snake.”
“Damn it, Dixie. Why do you have to make my life so fucking miserable?”
“I live for it.”
Logan huffed. “Fine.”
Shaking his head, he walked back to the patrol vehicle when he heard the man yelling from inside. He pulled the door open and stared at him.
“Settle down,” he growled.
“Let me the fuck out of here.”
“I will once the other deputy gets here.”
“Then I can go?”
“Yeah, you can go. Into his vehicle and then to jail.”
“You’re an ass,” the man shouted, and Logan turned to look at Dixie when he thought he heard her say, ‘nailed it’ but she turned away from him.
“Shut the fuck up,” Logan snapped, as he looked back at the man.
“What about my car? Do you know how much that car cost?”
“Can’t say as I do. I also don’t care. Now, shut up.” He shoved the door closed a little harder than necessary, walked to the front of the vehicle, leaned against it, folded his arms, and watched as Dixie made a phone call, then hung up and looked at him.
“I’ll need a ride home. No one is available,” Dixie said, narrowing her eyes at him, letting him know she wanted anyone but him to take her home.
He removed his hat, raked his fingers through his hair, then resettled the hat. Damn, she hated him. Even though just a few days ago, she’d been comforting him. She loved his dad too and knew how close he and his father were. Just because she hated him, didn’t mean she couldn’t understand what he was going through.
In the distance, he heard a siren and knew either Mark or Paul was on the way. Logan would be glad to get to the station, then head home. He hated working this late, but at times, it couldn’t be helped. With only five deputies and Sam, the sheriff, it could get busy.
Logan worked the first shift, but some days ran longer than others, and today had been one of them, then to top it off, he pulled over adrunk driver with Dixie in the passenger seat. He’d be happy if he could get through any day and not see her, and he knew she felt the same. Damn, they’d been so in love. He had wanted to marry her.
But when she found out the truth, her love quickly turned to hate, and Logan knew she’d never believe that he had truly loved her.
When the cruiser pulled to a stop behind his SUV, he saw Deputy Paul Dixon walking toward him.
“Can you give Dixie a ride home? I’ll get this jackass to the station. Oh, can you call Chuck to tow the car in, please?”
“Will do.” Paul walked toward Dixie. “If you’re ready, Dixie, I’ll drive you home.”
“Thank you, Paul,” she said while walking past Logan without even acknowledging him.
Damn, what a hardhead. Logan sighed, climbed into his vehicle, made a U-turn, and headed to the department.
“How soon can I make bail?” the man slurred.
“Probably in the morning.” Logan grinned. He knew the man could make it tonight, but he couldn’t help but tease about it.
“Morning? I’m not staying in that cell overnight.”