Page 53 of Logan
“Why did you have to kill him?” she asked in a choked voice.
“Because I had to get you out of there and he was in the way. Boss won’t be happy, but it couldn’t be helped.”
“Where are you taking me?”
“It doesn’t matter, but I’m going to make you tell me where that journal is.”
Dixie shivered at his words. She had no idea what journal he was talking about.
“I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Your father kept a log of all the moneytransactions he did.”
“He’s been in prison over two years!”
“We know exactly how long he’s been in prison. Your father likes to talk. He told his cellmate he could get Cortez arrested with a journal he has. Apparently, it has all the transactions he did for Cortez, and the money he got for him. So, that journal needs to be destroyed.”
“What makes you think I have it?”
“Where else would it be? The FBI took everything and if they had found it, they would have arrested my boss, but since they haven’t, we figure you have it.”
“Well, you figure wrong, jackass.”
“We’ll find it one way or the other even if we have to tear your house apart.”
“You didn’t find it the last time you ransacked my house,” she snapped.
“We didn’t have enough time, that’s why I went back. I tore everything apart this time, then when I heard you pull up, I had to get out, but then thought it would be the perfect time to have you give it to me.”
She sat up when he stopped in front of a house and looked at her.
“Do not move. I’ll come around to get you.”
“Wonderful,” she muttered. She watched as he got out and closed the door. The minute he did, she opened her door and ran.
“Hey!” he yelled but she kept going. She didn’t care if he shot her, she was not stopping. Who knew what he had in store for her, but she didn’t want to stick around to find out. Especially since he told her what was in thatjournal. Why tell her if he was going to let her live?
When he tackled her to the ground, the wind was knocked out of her. She rolled to her back and fought him. She scratched his face with her fingernails, making him cry out in pain. The last thing she remembered was him drawing his fist back and punching her.
Logan walked into the hospital, holding his hand across his chest. He knew there was going to be bruising, but he needed to get checked out, then look for Dixie. He gingerly sat in a chair after checking in and waited.
Damn, he hated going to the hospital. It was always hurry up and wait. He hurt like a bitch. They could just wrap his chest, and he’d leave. He couldn’t think of what could be happening to Dixie and it made his gut ache. He had to find her.
“Mr. Townson?” a nurse asked when she entered the waiting room.
“That’s me,” Logan said, then tried to get to his feet, hissing in a breath at the pain.
“Wait. Let me get a wheelchair for you.” She quickly made her way to where a few sat and pushed one to him. “Let me help you up,” she said.
Logan nodded as he stood. She took his arm and helped him lower into the wheelchair. He groaned at the pain.
“I’m so sorry. I’ll take you to a room. The doctor won’t be long.” She pushed him down ahallway, then into a room to wait for the doctor. “So, you were shot?”
“Yeah, in the vest. But it still hurts.”
“Oh, I’m sure it does. Good thing you had the vest on, though.”