Page 59 of Logan
When she caught Cortez watching her, she nervously roamed around the living room. She stepped into the small dining room and noticed a wine bottle on the floor. She looked at the men, but none of them seemed to be paying attention to her as they searched through everything. With a quick glance over her shoulder, she saw that only one man was close enough to her now, the same one who had been keeping watch since they arrived.
She edged closer to the bottle, nudging it with her foot. She had no idea what she planned to do with it, but she felt like she needed to do something to protect herself. With a heavy sigh, she realized that picking up the bottle would only make matters worse for her. So instead, she walked away from it. Dixie knew if she picked it up, the men would be able to take it from her before she could use it as a form of defense.
Dixie cautiously stepped back into the hall,her gaze immediately drawn to the man who was watching her. Deputy Nevada Shelton stood beside him; his gun pressed firmly against the man’s temple. He pressed his finger to his lips, signaling for her to remain silent, before gesturing for her to leave the house.
As she walked outside, Dixie’s heart raced as she took in the scene before her. Sheriff Sam Garrett stood with Deputies Mark Shaw, Brody Morgan, and Paul Dixon, all armed and ready. Sam motioned for her to get inside his SUV cruiser.
Relief washed over Dixie as she climbed inside and shut the door. She burst into tears, knowing that she was finally safe. But her thoughts quickly turned to Logan, still in danger from Cortez and his men. She tapped on the glass of the cruiser, catching Sam’s attention, and he opened the door.
“I didn’t think you saw the car when you passed by.”
“It was Nevada, not me. He recognized the car but kept going to let them think he didn’t see them, but pulled off the road, called it in, and we all came here.”
“What about Logan? They have him at a house with another man,” she cried.
Sam’s expression hardened as he considered their next move. “Do you know the address by chance?”
“No, but I could take you there,” Dixie offered eagerly.
“Okay...” Sam trailed off when a truck pulled into the driveway. “Looks like he got away.” He nodded toward the truck.
Dixie jumped out of the cruiser and ran toward Logan as he emerged from the truck. Relief flooded through her as he caught her in his arms, grunting from the pain he was in.
“Are you alright, baby?” he asked, concern etched on his features.
“Yes, are you?” Dixie replied tearfully.
“Yeah,” Logan said with a reassuring smile.
“How did you get away?” Dixie asked, clinging tightly to him.
“I’ll tell you later. Right now, we need to stay back while they get Cortez and his other man,” Logan explained urgently.
Dixie nodded in understanding as she watched Nevada lead the man out of the house and into a cruiser. The group of law enforcement officers then made their way inside the house, and she could hear shouting but thankfully no gunfire. A few minutes later they emerged with Cortez and the other man in tow.
Dixie wrapped her arms around Logan again, her tears flowing freely. He held her close, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.
“It’s okay now. They’ve got them. You’re safe, Dixie,” he murmured soothingly.
She watched as they put the men into separate cruisers before turning to see Sam approaching them looking thoroughly pissed.
“Want to tell me what the hell you’re doing here, Logan?” Sam demanded.
“I got away,” Logan explained defensively.
“Got away from what exactly, Logan?” Sam retorted sharply.
“Cortez’s men,” Logan replied.
“And how did you manage to be with Cortez’s men? Because I swear, I remember telling you to only come back to work if the doctor allowed it.” Sam raised an eyebrow in disapproval. “Did he?”
Logan hesitated before reluctantly admitting, “No sir, but—”
“Don’t,” Sam cut him off sharply. “You are suspended for two weeks without pay. You disobeyed a direct order, and I will not have my deputies not following orders. You’re damn lucky I don’t fire your ass.”
“I’m sorry, Sam,” Logan said contritely.
Sam sighed heavily before continuing. “Look, Logan, I understand why you did it. When Tessa was in danger, I did the same thing. But that doesn’t make it right. You will need to come into the department and make a statement, but you will leave your badge and weapon with me. Are we clear?”