Page 50 of His Obsession
“Grossed out, actually,” I laugh.
“Oh, was that guy being a creep to you too?” she asks. “Watch your drink around him. He was fucking with Jane’s drink a little bit ago.”
I stare at her for a second, but as dizziness sweeps over me, panic follows right behind it. “Yeah. I’m just going to head up to my room. I’m pretty tired, anyway. I’ll see you at the launch party.”
“Have a good night,” she says before I walk away. My whole body is blanketed by a numb, tingly feeling. I feel drunk off my ass, but I had a virgin daiquiri. I intentionally didn’t have alcohol because I didn’t want to drink without Lucian around. The drink was so sweet that I wouldn’t have noticed if he put anything in it, but my dumbass looked away from my drink multiple times while he was sitting there.
“Fuck,” I mumble when I trip and nearly fall.
“You okay?” I hear the man ask from behind me.
“Ah fuck…” I mutter. “Yep. You can go away.”
“You sure? You seem a bit woozy,” he says. When he puts his arm around my waist, I have no strength to push him away. I turn and put my hand on his chest to try, but he has a tight grip on me.
“L-Leave me alone,” I slur. “Let go of me.”
“Oh, come on, baby. Let me take you to your room,” he says. “Actually, let’s just rest in my room, hmm?”
“Stop,” I say louder. I can’t push him away, so I drop all my weight to the ground. If he wants to rape me, he’s going to have to carry my big ass off somewhere. We are in a hallway by theelevators, so he takes the risk and grabs me by the hair before fumbling with his pants. “Stop it. Let go of me!”
Someone pulls the man away from me and there is a swarm of different noises around me, but I go down to my hands when I start feeling nauseated. “Come on,” Jake says as he scoops me up from the floor. “Are you okay?”
“I think he put something in my drink,” I slur. I can’t keep my head up, so I give in and lay my head on his chest.
“Is she okay?” a woman asks.
“No. Some fucker from the bar drugged her. He was trying to assault her but ran off when I got here.”
“I’ll call the police. Do you know her? Honey, are you okay?”
“I know him,” I mutter. “He’s okay.”
“I’m going to take her to my room. I don’t know if he found out her room number. I am in 3213. She looks like she’s going to throw up, so just have them come up when they get here,” Jake says.
“Okay,” she says. Jake walks with me into the elevator and sighs when the doors shut.
“You still with me, Elise?” he asks.
“Mhmm. Just gonna barf, I think,” I mumble.
“Do you have your phone on you?” he asks.
“Mhmm,” I say as I start to doze off. Everything comes in choppy and the next thing I know, I am laying on a hotel bed and I can hear Jake talking.
“No, she’s okay, Lucian. I promise. I just gave the cops all of the information. They have her number and yours… She’s in and out of it. I think she might be awake… I don’t think so. When I got there, she was on the ground and he had a hold of her hair. He had his dick out, but I think I got there just in time… No, I was so focused on her. She looked rough, so when he ran off, I just went to her. The cameras at the bar and in the hotel caught him. The cop said everything was on video, so I assume there was a camera where they were at… Okay. I’m going to keep her in here with me. I don’t trust that she won’t throw up again while she’s passed out… No, it just needs to get out of her system. I’m keeping an eye on her, so I’ll call an ambulance if I think she is struggling… I will go ahead and let you know something. One of my employees ran to her room and got a change of clothes. The first time she got sick, it got all over her, so I had to change her. April was here, though. She helped me… Yeah, April felt bad because everyone said the guy was fucking with all the women, but no one warned Elise when she got there… Yeah, she was at the bar eating and having a drink. The bartender told the cop that he saw Elise get up and walk away from him… Okay. If she wakes, I’ll tell her you are on your way… I don’t doubt it… Okay, man. Drive safe…”
“Lucian,” I mutter.
“He’s on his way,” Jake says as he sits beside me and brushes the hair out of my face.
“I feel dumb.”
“Don’t do that to yourself. None of this is your fault, Elise,” he says. “I’m just glad I was there.”
“He didn’t hurt me,” I say. “He was going to, but he didn’t.”
“I’m glad,” Jake says softly. “How do you feel?”