Page 72 of His Obsession
“Yes. It is generational, so our children will also lead if they choose to be a part of this community,” I say.
“And if they don’t want to?” Alan asks.
“Then it would go to Bradley’s children,” Lucian says.
“That is interesting,” Robert says. “I wouldn’t call it a cult, though.”
“We have giant orgy’s and the submissives get hunted like prey on Halloween,” Laura laughs. “I’d say it’s a little bit like a cult.”
“I’m sorry… What?” Alan asks.
“The dominants are called the predators and the submissives are called prey,” Lucian explains. “The predator will present the prey with a black or red rose. Black meaning just for the evening and red meaning a proposal of marriage. The prey run and the predators hunt. If they are caught, then the predator has consent to do whatever they want. If a predator catches prey that they presented a rose to, they are at the predator’s mercy until dawn. If captured after being given a red rose, the two will marry in forty-eight hours. Other predators are allowed to interfere and do as they wish with the prey, but they have limitations to ensure safety of the prey.”
“Hide and fuck,” I say, and Robert laughs.
“Shit, I’m sold,” Alan says.
“If you are serious, our way of accepting new members have become stricter, but I can get you the information,” Lucian says.
“Is that how the two of you got married?” Robert asks. “If you don’t mind me asking.”
“Yeah. He stalked me for a while, and then I consented to the games,” I say. “I… am a bit traumatized now from Halloween, but that’s not Lucian’s doing.”
“Jake was a member of Luxe,” Lucian says.
“You mean he… Oh,” Alan says. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s only traumatizing because apparently, Jake is my half-brother. He knew, but I didn’t because I grew up in foster care,” I say.
“Next Halloween will be better,” Laura says to me.
“Yeah, it will,” Bradley says with a grin, nudging me.
“Why not focus on giving Laura a red rose this year?” I ask.
“I’ll always have time to have a reason to tease Lucian,” he laughs.
“That’s fair. Doesn’t take long at all,” I say and Lucian laughs.
“Brat,” Bradley frowns at me, but I smile.
“Any way, I don’t think they want to be part of this conversation,” I say. “I will start messing with the new software when I can comfortably sit in my office chair again.”
“Take your time,” Robert says. “I need to meet with Clark Bishop. He is with Sheriff Donaldson.”
“Why?” I ask.
“Because I have the money and the means to help ensure the rampage you all went on disappears,” he says bluntly. I look at Lucian, worried.
“They asked me first and I vetted both of them,” Lucian says.
“I trust you,” I sigh. “Why has no one asked me, though? I also have the money. Maybe not the means.”
“Because none of us are asking you to give anything more than you already have,” Lucian says. “Robert, thank you for your help.”
“It is my pleasure. The fucker got what he deserved,” Robert says.
“They all did,” Alan confirms.