Page 100 of Sinful Lies
My heart warms at the thought, but it seems Leo has other ideas as his mouth falls open, and he lets out an almighty wail, his chubby face turning bright red.
“He doesn’t seem so pleased at the idea.”
“Shit. Sorry, Leo honey,” Bianca coos, rocking Leo in her arms. “I think I just traumatized my son with my own excitement.”
“Can I?” I reach for him.
“Please.” Bianca hands me over the crying baby.
I tuck Leo against my chest, holding his small hand in mine as he blinks up at me with his big brown eyes. I wipe away a fat tear that’s rolling down his cheek and smile down at him.
“Would you like a cousin, Leo?” I whisper, gently rocking him in my arms.
He blinks again, his eyelids growing heavy as he fights sleep.
I nod. “I’m going to take that as a yes.”
Bianca laughs.
“Come and sit. I want to knoweverything.” She takes me by the elbow, leading me over to the couch where I tuck my legs underneath me as I clutch a now sleeping Leo in my arms.
Bianca curls up beside me and watches her son with such joy in her eyes.
“ Zara, this is amazing news.” She sighs, reaching out to stroke Leo’s dark head of hair. “Are you happy?”
“Well… I’m not sure. It’s all just so overwhelming.”
“What does Dimitri think?”
I wrinkle my nose, and Bianca raises her eyebrows.
“You haven’t told him yet, have you?”
“No, sopleasedon’t say anything to Alexei. I want him to hear it from me.”
“Of course.” Bianca nods. “But don’t wait too long.”
“I’m scared.” There is a giant knot in my throat.
Bianca offers me a reassuring smile as she takes my hand and squeezes it.
“I understand feeling apprehensive. I mean, you’re about to turn his life upside down, but he’s going to be thrilled, Zara.”
“Do you think so?” My voice cracks as I try not to consider the alternative.
“How could he not be? He’s married the love of his life, and now he’s going to be a father. That’s the dream right there.”
Or the nightmare.
This must besome sort of fever dream.
Bianca’s excitement about the pregnancy must have rub off on me. She’s thrilled at the idea of becoming an auntie and has been texting me nonstop over the past two days with lists of potential baby names and links to websites that tell me what size fruit my baby is.
It’s adorable, and it gives me hope that once I buck up the courage to tell Dimitri, he’ll be just as thrilled.