Page 133 of Sinful Lies
She looks pale and tired, and there’s a small cut to her temple, but otherwise she looks unharmed.
“The babies.” She clutches her stomach.
My eyes flick down, and my heart sinks as I notice the dried blood coating her fingers.
“H-he called a doctor, but it still doesn’t feel right…” Her lip trembles as she looks up at me with frightened eyes.
I glance over my shoulder, but Massimo has already disappeared back inside the house.
Fucking coward.
“It’s okay,sladkaya.” I stroke her hair. “We’ll get you to the hospital.”
I reach down, scooping Zara into my arms, and carry her over to the hummer.
“I will stay to sort out the details with Massimo.” Alexei opens the back passenger door. “You need to get Zara checked out.”
I frown at him. “You can’t stay here alone.”
Mikhail gives me a knowing look. “Feliks is on his way. We should get going, Dimitri.”
Giovanni Saccone.
Zara moans.
One thing at a time. Right now Zara is my priority.Until I know everything is okay with her and my unborn children, Giovanni Saccone will have to wait.
I get Zara settled in the backseat of the hummer and climb in beside her, tucking her shivering body against me. I can’t stop touching her, unable to believe that she’s finally back in my arms where she belongs.
“Keep me updated,” Alexei says before slamming the door shut.
“Danil, I want you to drive like your fucking life depends on it, you hear? I almost lost my wife, and I’m not about to lose my babies too.”
Zara’s knucklesturn white as she clutches my hand.
“You did the right thing to get checked out,” Dr. Taylor assures us. “But the babies both look good. They have strong heartbeats and are on track in terms of their size. I would like to keep you in for observation just because of the amount of blood you lost. With a multiples pregnancy there are always greater risks, so I’d like to monitor you for another day or two just to be safe.”
Zara stares at the ultrasound. “They’re really okay?”
Dr. Taylor removes her gloves. “They’re perfect, Zara.”
Zara lets out a sob of relief, and my body sags as it finally starts to sink in that we’re all going to be okay.
“I’ll be back in an hour or so to check your vitals again.” Dr. Taylor gets to her feet. “And I would also like to see you have something to eat, Zara. Your blood sugar is a little low for my liking.”
“Hospital food sucks.” Zara wrinkles her nose.
I let out a breathy chuckle as I squeeze her hand. “I’msure I can persuade Danil to go out and get you something else. Whatever you want.”
Once Dr. Taylor leaves us alone, I climb onto the bed beside Zara and tuck her in against my chest, reveling in the feel of her in my arms.
The ultrasound picture has been left up on the screen for us to look at, and I can feel Zara’s body start to relax even further as she gazes at it.