Page 139 of Sinful Lies
He’s been incredible, and I couldn’t have wished for a better husband or father to my children.
Barely an hour later, the living area of the penthouse is filled with chatter as Dimitri’s brothers arrive, as well as Bianca, Leo, and my parents and sister.
Bianca immediately goes into hostess mode, sorting out drinks for everyone and getting Leo sorted with some toysand snacks, allowing me to just sit on the couch and enjoy being spoiled by my family.
Everyone is completely enamored with the twins. Even Mikhail manages a smile as I introduce him to his new niece and nephew. Though it’s not long before the babies start squawking.
Leo immediately runs over to the bassinet, reaching up to try and peak inside.
“Careful, Leo!” Bianca calls out, but I quickly get to my feet and reach for the toddler.
“What do you think, Leo?” I pick up my nephew so he can get a look at the babies.
He points his chubby finger at his cousins, and I laugh as he blinks when Sasha lets out a cry.
“I think she’s hungry,” I explain to him.
“Bottew!” He looks at me with his big blue eyes, and I chuckle.
“That’s right, Leo. They’re going to have some bottled milk.”
Leo squirms in my arms, wanting to get down to go and play with the basket of toy trucks and building blocks that I keep on hand for when he visits. Though I suppose before long Sasha and Benedikt will be the ones playing with them.
The thought makes my eyes sting.
“I can’t believe he used to be that small.” Bianca sighs, coming over to stand next to me, her hand over her heart as she gazes adoringly down at the twins. “It’s going by too fast.”
“You’re welcome to come and snuggle these two any time,” I offer.
“Oh, trust me, I will.” She laughs. “It makes me want anotherone.”
I bend down to pick Benedikt up out of the bassinet. His little fist punches the air as he screws his face up.
“This little guy is hungry.” I chuckle. “Who wants to feed him?”
Emily holds her arms out to take Benedikt. “Oh, I will. Come and have some cuddles with Auntie Emily.”
I grin at my sister as she cradles Benedikt in her arms. I help her get settled on the couch beside my mom and hand her a bottle and burp cloth before going back to the bassinet to fetch Sasha.
“Do you want to feed her?” I ask Danil, who’s hovering nearby.
“Sure, why not.” He shrugs. “How hard can it be?”
Mikhail laughs as Dimitri walks past him with the bottle for Sasha. “If Dimitri can do it, then not at all,”
“Watch it,” my husband warns, smacking Mikhail around the back of the head.
“Ow! What the fuck was that for?”
Alexei frowns. “No cursing in front of Leo.”
Mikhail scoffs. “He’ll learn it eventually with you as his father.”
“Remind me why we didn’t leave you at home?” Alexei grumbles.
I catch Dimitri’s eye, and we both grin. I love the fact that my children are going to grow up with such a large family who loves them so much.
We might not be perfect, but there’s no doubt that we all have each other’s backs.