Page 20 of Sinful Lies
“What did you just say?” Bianca whispers.
“W-we’re getting married.” Zara seems to fighting herself on whether to run and hide or just drop dead on the spot.
“This is so exciting!” Emily gets to her feet, hurrying over to throw her arms around Zara’s neck.
I let go of Zara and turn my attention to my youngest brothers.
“Cough up, Mikhail!” Danil laughs, rubbing his hands together.
I frown. “What the fuck are you both on about?”
“We took bets on why you called us here.” Mikhail reaches into his pocket, pulling out a wad of twenties. “There was no way we were buying the whole ‘quality time with the family’ bullshit.”
“You guys are assholes.”
Bianca crosses her arms over her chest. “I didn’t even realize you two were dating…”
I glance over at Zara, and tears are pooling in her eyes.
I shrug. “We didn’t want to say anything until we knew it was serious.”
Alexei folds his arms across his chest. “Well, it doesn’t get much more serious than this.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” Zara says to Bianca. “I didn’t want to upset you.”
“Zara…” Bianca sighs. “You wouldn’t have upset me. I want you to be happy, and if Dimitri makes you happy for some reason…” She looks at me, and a smile tugs at her lips.
“He does make me happy.” Zara glances up at me.
“Then I couldn’t be more thrilled for you both.” Bianca throws her arms around Zara’s neck.
“Really?” My chin is about to hit the floor. “I thought I wasn’t good enough for your bestie?”
“You’re not.” Bianca shoots me a glare. “But at least now we get to officially be sisters!”
“I literally can’t win.” I chuckle.
“Come on, let’s crack open some champagne and celebrate!” Bianca exclaims before ushering Zara and Emily toward the kitchen.
I turn around and pour myself a large vodka, knowing I’m going to need it as Alexei appears beside me.
“Are you sure this isn’t a ploy to get out of marrying Lucia?” Alexei hisses under his breath.
“You really think I would fake a marriage with Zara just to get out of this deal? That’s low even for you,brat.” I lift my drink to my lips and down it in one.
“I didn’t realize you two were even seeing each other. Ithought Bianca made it clear that you were to stay away from her best friend.”
“She did, but I chose to ignore her.”
Alexei tenses, and I roll my eyes.
He’s become even more of an overprotective bastard.
“After almost losing her last year, it put things into perspective.” The lie falls easily off my tongue.
“Am I meant to believe that this has been going on all this time?”
“When you see the woman you love lying in a hospital bed…” I let out a breath as images of Zara lying hooked up to machines flood my mind. “Like I said, perspective.”