Page 28 of Sinful Lies
“Not all marriages follow long relationships, Alexei. I mean, look at you and Bianca, for fuck’s sake! You didn’t even know each other before you got married.MamochkaandPapochkaweren’t much better. But I can’t think of two better marriages to look up to. I aspire to have what you have, what our parents had.”
“Yeah, well,MamochkaandPapochkamight not be the best example of true love…” Alexei’s jaw flexes.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
His dark eyes flick to mine, and I’m taken aback by the sorrow that fills them.
“There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.” He leans forward to set his empty glass on the table between us. “For a long time.”
“Okay…” I set down my own drink and fold my arms across my chest. “Spit it out.”
“This is something Mikhail and Danil need to hear too.”
“Well then, tell them to get their asses over here.”
Whatever it is that Alexei has been hiding, it’s clear from the look of devastation on his face that it can’t be good.
I almost drive backto the city to collect my younger brothers myself. I can barely stand to look at Alexei as my mind goes to the worst-case scenario.
Is this situation with Massimo worse than he originally let on? What could possibly be causing my brother such anguish?
I leave Alexei in his office and head down to the kitchen to make some coffee just to give us some distance. I hate fighting with Alexei like this, but he’s not giving me much of a choice.
I’m so deep in my own head that I almost run straight into Bianca.
“Shit, sorry.” I grab her by the shoulders to steady her.
“You were miles away.” She laughs, patting a hand on my chest. “Everything okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“Where’s Leo?” I head over to the coffee machine. I busy myself with grabbing a fresh filter and a mug from the cupboard overhead.
“Napping.” She frowns. “Dimitri? Is everything okay?”
“I’m not sure. Ask your husband.”
“Look, I don’t know what you’re fighting about, but you will get past it.”
“We’re not fighting.”
“Then why are you sulking around my kitchen?” She raises her eyebrows.
I brace my hands on the counter top and bow my head.
Every muscle in my back feels tight, and I’m desperate to go back to my penthouse and spend the rest of the day alone with nothing but a bottle of scotch for company.
“Is this about Zara? Has something happened?”
“No.” I sigh, turning around to face Bianca and plastering an easy smile on my face. “Zara is…perfect. Alexei’s just having a heart attack when I told him the wedding budget, that’s all.”
I know Bianca doesn’t believe a word that’s just come out of my mouth, but she chooses not to question me further.
“Well, I’m here if you need to talk.” She grabs her coffee mug off the island.