Page 55 of Sinful Lies
I want nothing more than to experience that again, but I know that the second it’s over, I’ll fall into a dark spiral.
“I assumed you wouldn’t be home until later.” I wrap my arms around myself to try and cover up my breasts.
“So did I.” He climbs into the water. “Though if I knewyou were out here wearing that, I would have been home a lot sooner.”
Dimitri takes a seat beside me, resting his arm along the back of the tub behind me.
“Have you enjoyed having some time off the last few days?”
“Uh huh…” My chest is tight.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t hang out with you that much. It seems Alexei doesn’t fully understand the meaning of a honeymoon.”
I can barely hear him. It’s too hot and my heart is starting to race.
I try my best to breathe deeply, but all I can focus on is the feeling of Dimitri next to me. How his thigh brushes against mine, how his fingers gently graze the skin on my shoulder.
I flinch at the touch, my hand going to my heart as the panic starts to build out of nowhere.
“Zara? Is everything okay?”
You can’t do this here.
“I-I’m sorry.” I stumble, getting to my feet. “I… I have to go.”
“I promised I’d call my sister,” I lie, avoiding Dimitri’s eyes.
I quickly climb out of the hot tub and grab my towel off the lounger, throwing it around my waist to try and shield myself. I keep my back to Dimitri so he can’t see the panic on my face as I hurry to the door and disappear down the stairs.
I only pray that he decides to leave me alone because I don’t think I have the strength to stop the truth about whathappened in my past from spilling from my lips. Because once it all comes out, he’ll never look at me the same again.
Giovanni tookone look at my wedding ring and laughed, the sound cold and cruel.
My stomach dropped as I realized I was right to assume the worst. The last three days being back at work have been hell. It’s clear that he sees my marriage to Dimitri as nothing more than a challenge.
I don’t know how much longer I can cope with his wandering looks and inappropriate comments. I’m constantly on edge, barely able to focus on my work as I’m terrified Giovanni is going to call me back into his office to ogle me. Take any chance to touch me.
Perhaps if I give it more time, Giovanni might eventually grow bored of me, of my lack of interest. But until that time comes, I’m just going to have to endure it.
I have no choice.
“Giovanni wants you for another meeting,” Karlie informs me, leaning over the top of my cubicle.
“Seriously?” I run my hands through my hair. “That’s the third one this morning.”
“Seems Giovanni’s taken a liking to you.” Karlie waggles her eyebrows. “Keep up the good work, Mullens.”
My stomach knots as I get to my feet.
I know she’s only joking, but it still hits a nerve. Have any of my other colleagues noticed Giovanni’s particular interest in me? I don’t want anyone to think that I’m getting special treatment. I want my work to speak for itself.
I guess that’s just another thing to add to my list of worries.