Page 59 of Sinful Lies
I wish I could go back and change what happened. I wish I never got myself in this situation because now I’m broken beyond repair.
If anyone were to learn the truth, they would run.
Dimitriwould run.
A strangled sob escapes me at the thought. I can’t let that happen, which means I need to get my shit together.
The thought of going back to the office sends another wave of nausea coursing through me.
I can’t see Giovanni, not when I’m in such a fragile state. If he knew he affected me this much, he would never stop. If anything, it would only make things worse.
I wipe at my eyes and stagger to my feet, pulling my phone out of my bag, deciding it’s best to call in sick the rest of the day.
I know Karlie will vouch for me if anyone asks, so I quickly type an out of office email and hit send before I change my mind.
The penthouse is only a fifteen-minute walk away, so I make my way there, praying that Dimitri has decided not to work from his home office today. I desperately need some alone time to gather myself.
Hecan’t hurt me there.
By the time I’m in the safety of my room, my heart rate has already slowed to a normal pace, and the sense of panic that had been attacking my nervous system has subsided. Though it has left me feeling emotionally drained.
Not bothering to change into something more comfortable,I climb under my covers and screw my eyes shut, praying that exhaustion keeps the dark thoughts away.
Eventually, I must fall asleep.
I wake up with my head feeling clearer, and I feel rested.
My cheeks feel stiff from where my tears have dried, and no doubt, I have makeup smeared around my eyes, but at least my thoughts are no longer spiraling.
This can’t continue. I can’t run home and hide under the covers every time Giovanni makes an inappropriate comment, or worse, because that means he wins. And I refuse to let that be the case.
The whole point of this deal with Dimitri was to help put a stop to this so that my career doesn’t suffer. Maybe I do need to bite the bullet and tell Dimitri how bad it’s gotten so that he can do something about it.
I just pray that he holds up his end of the bargain.
I’m almostsad that Zara doesn’t have a chance to see me looking my best in this all-black suit, but I’ve been at my family’s penthouse all morning with Mikhail and Danil before heading to my meeting early this evening. Though I was tempted to swing by my apartment after receiving a notification that Zara arrived home just after twelve when I know she was meant to be at the office all day…
That makes me think that perhaps she hasn’t had a good day. The thought makes my chest tighten, but I can’t afford to be late.
Massimo Conti is not an easy man to pin down, and it’s even harder to make an appointment when you’re at the top of his shit list.
But Alexei pulled some strings and got me a meeting.
Feliks pulls up outside Massimo’s club. “Are you sure you don’t want me to come in with you?”
“I’m a big boy.” I chuckle. “I can handle him,” I pat the holster hidden inside my jacket where my gun is.
Feliks grins. “If you’re not back here in thirty minutes, I’ll open fire on the joint,”
“I wouldn’t expect anything less.”
Alexei eventually came around to my plan of meeting with Massimo directly to explain the situation. Perhaps if he hears the truth straight from the source, he might be willing to forgive our deception.
And if all else fails, I’ll offer up Mikhail instead.