Page 63 of Sinful Lies
“H-he seems to like that I’m married.” She sniffles, wiping her cheeks on her pajamas sleeve. “It’s like it’s a game.”
I nod, grinding my teeth together at the thought of this fucker making Zara cry. I made a promise to her that I would take care of Giovanni Saccone, and it’s about time I honored that promise.
“I don’t want you to worry, okay? I’m going to take care of it.”
She nods as tears stream down her cheeks.
I desperately want to reach across to wipe them away, but I don’t want to push it, especially after the way she bolted from the hot tub the other night.
I don’t know how long I stayed in the water after she left, cursing myself for being so forward.
I thought it was only some playful flirting, nothing more. But it’s clear that Zara doesn’t see it that way. I should have known better, considering the way she left in the middle of the night after we slept together.
Perhaps this situation with Giovanni is worse than she’s letting on…
“Trust me, Zara. I’m going to fix this.” I get to my feet.
“What are you going to do?” She looks panicked.
“I’m just going to remind him who you’re married to.” I flash her a wink. “I’ll be back in a few hours. Now, eat your food before it gets cold. I don’t want my wife going hungry.”
I pull my phone out of my pocket as I head over to the elevator, scrolling through my contacts until I find Rurik’s name.
As the doors open, I step inside and turn to look at Zara, who’s watching me with wide eyes.
I offer her a reassuring nod as I lift the phone to my ear, and the doors slide shut.
“Rurik, I need an address for Giovanni Saccone.”
It turnsout Giovanni resides in a brownstone not too far away from my penthouse.
My skin prickles at the thought of how close he is to Zara, but I just have to remind myself that she’s safe. No one is getting in or out of my penthouse without me knowing about it.
As I pull up outside Giovanni’s place and wait for him, my thoughts are plagued by the haunted look in Zara’s eyes over dinner.
This wasn’t meant to happen. Putting a ring on her finger was meant to show this asshole that she’smine, but I should have known better. I know guys like Giovanni. They thrive on a challenge. But I’m going to be the one raising the stakes.
If he wants to get to Zara, he’s going to have to go through me.
The sun has almost completely set over the city when I notice a shadowy figure staggering down the street toward the townhouse.
“Here we fucking go.” I throw open my car door and climb out.
As I flex my fingers, I watch Giovanni fumble with his key, anticipating how good it’s going to feel to slam my fist into his jaw.
He hasn’t even noticed my approaching footsteps, too busy trying to turn the key in the lock. The guy reeks of booze, which means he’s unlikely to remember anything I have to say. But no matter.
I guess I’ll just have to give him a physical reminder of who he’s messing with.
As soon as he gets the door open and steps over the threshold, I lunge, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and slamming the side of his head against the exposed brick wall of the entryway.
“You’re one slimy motherfucker, you know that?” I spit, throwing him to the floor.
He grunts as he rolls onto his back, clutching at the wound on his head.
“I’m only going to say this once,” I snarl. “Leave my wife alone.”
“Or what?” He pulls his bloody hand away from his head.