Page 91 of Sinful Lies
I should have known better than to sleep with someone without protection. Did I learn nothing from Bianca and Alexei?
Keeping my head down, I dart into the shop and head straight for the aisle with the pregnancy tests. Deciding it’s better to be safe, I pick up two on the off chance one of them is faulty and head to the check out.
The cashier is an older woman who offers me a warm smile as she glances from the boxes on the counter to the huge diamond on my finger. I can tell she wants to say something, but I’m terrified that if I open my mouth, I’ll start hysterically sobbing, so I avoid her gaze by rooting around in my purse for my wallet.
My cheeks burn as I hand over my card and quickly throw the two pregnancy tests into my bag. I don’t want to risk taking them at home in case Dimitri is there, so I decide I’m better off going back to the office and hiding out in the toilets for the rest of my lunch break.
I’ve never had to pee on a stick before. Even during my early college days, I was always careful because I knew if I ever got myself knocked up, my dad would be so disappointed, and I couldn’t bear the thought of letting him down.
Though now I suppose my parents would be thrilled, considering the fact that I’m married to a successful man who can provide me with everything I want in life.
Too bad that it’s all for show.
My hands are slick with sweat, so it takes me a second to unwrap the tests and get myself situated.
“I can’t believe I’m doing this.”
I wish Dimitri was here.
The thought only makes my chest ache.
There’s no way he’s going to be happy if it turns out to be positive. No matter how incredible the sex is, it’s just that. He wanted a wife on paper, nothing more.
Once I’ve finished, I quickly flush and lower the lid to perch on the edge.
I can’t think of a more depressing way to find out if I’m pregnant with my fake husband’s baby than hiding out in the office toilet, but this is what my life has come to.
I place the sticks on the floor while I wait for the two minutes to be up.
My eyes start to prick with tears as I consider what to do if it turns out to be positive.
This wasn’t how it was supposed to be, but I guess when you marry a guy for a deal rather than love, you’re not exactly signing up for the white-picket-fence package.
As much as I wish we could be a happy family like Alexei and Bianca, I have to start considering the fact that I might end up having to do this alone.
My phone dings, and I take one last deep breath before glancing down.
I stare at the two pink lines on both of the tests.
“Oh shit.”
“Zara, let me call a doctor,”I plead, sitting beside her on the couch.
“Stop fussing.” She sighs, taking a sip of water. “I’m fine.”
I frown, pressing the back of my hand to her forehead.
She doesn’t have a fever, but this constant nausea is starting to worry me.
She’s been feeling sick for a few days now and initially, I put it down to all the stress with Giovanni. It’s a natural reaction to what she’s been through over the past few months so it’s no wonder she’s feeling a little run down.
But when I got home this evening to find her once again on the sofa with a sick bowl, looking clammy and gray, I began to wonder if it’s not something else.
“Please let me call you a doctor.”