Page 29 of A Simple Love
Finally, Pauline breaks through the tension by clearing her throat. “Okay, then. Well, are we ready?” She gestures around the room, everyone nodding their heads in agreement, mine moving so slow it feels like time is standing still. Mike saunters up next to me, offering his elbow as I wrap my arm through it, locking our connection with my grip on my bouquet.
“You look gorgeous, Vic,” he whispers in my ear, the sound of his raspy voice heating my entire body more than the summer air surrounding us.
“Thank you,” I manage to reply, the emotion thick in my voice. My body feels like I’m about to explode, either in flames or tears, I’m not sure of which one yet.
Mike and I line up first, Pauline and Dean behind us, and then Hayley and her dad at the end while the music cues up and I brace myself to walk down the aisle with the man that has my heart completely.
Every step I take feels like a tick mark on the path to making things right. Every breath is a reminder that life is short, and you should spend it with the one you love. Every moment I remain connected to Mike only solidifies what I have always known deep down in my heart. He’s the one for me.
I survive the walk, releasing Mike’s grip on me at the very last second before taking my place and performing the duty of the faithful bridesmaid. Tyler and Hayley exchange vows at sunset in a beautiful and heartfelt declaration of love, my heart beating with pride and gratitude for my friend. She has found her forever love, and I couldn’t be happier for her. Their story was anything but easy, a notion I’m starting to understand. Love isn’t simple. It’s messy and people are bound to make mistakes. But that doesn’t mean that it isn’t worth it.
After the ceremony ends, the celebration begins full of food, drinks, and laughter. The photographer bustles through the crowd, catching candid and posed pictures of our families and friends. Music wafts through the air, the chatter of people and screaming of kids creates a noisy atmosphere I can’t help but ignore. As I look at Mike across the dance floor in the open field next to the pond, the twinkling of lights hung over the space creating shadows as dozens of people lose themselves in the music, I realize he is worth it. I know we will fight and have disagreements, but imagining my life without him in it is more terrifying than taking the risk of having him by my side eternally.
Mike is dancing with Lilly, her feet resting on top of his as he effortlessly spins her around the dance floor. I’m seated at one of the tables with my legs crossed, my head propped in one hand, sipping my glass of champagne out of the other, envious of the smile on my sister’s face, so genuine and joyous, and at that moment I know… I have to talk to him tonight. I need to talk to Ben tonight too, and I need to put this whole thing to rest so I can move on with my life, a life with Mike.
No sooner do I come to this realization, I hear Pauline gasp on the dance floor, clutching her belly as water drips from between her legs. I instantly run over to her as people start to freeze on the makeshift hardwood. Mike breaks away from Lilly but ushers her over to meet us.
“Oh, shit!” Pauline exclaims, causing heads to turn and people to stare at the puddle gathering beneath her.
“Uh, was that your water breaking, P?” Dean stares down at her, swallowing hard, his eyes wide with anticipation.
“Yup, it sure was. Shit, we’ve gotta go! Hayley!” Pauline shouts across the field where Hayley is standing in her wedding dress next to Tyler, beaming from ear to ear and talking to Tyler’s Aunt and Uncle, Sue and Mic. Hayley turns to find her voice, then takes in the wet spot on the front of Pauline’s dress, her eyes widening as soon as she comprehends what has happened. Tyler drags her across the grass, her dress only allowing her to travel so fast before they reach us.
“Oh my God, Pauline! Did your water break? Or did you just pee yourself?” She tilts her head and winces, not sure exactly what to make of the situation.
“I’m pretty sure it was my water, Hales.” Pauline rolls her eyes at her. “I’m sorry, girl, but obviously, we’ve got to go. I love you, congratulations, and we’ll call you once we know more. From what I understand, this could take a while, but please enjoy your night. I love you and am so happy for you, Hales.” Hayley and I lean in to hug her, my ass pressed out as far as possible, avoiding touching her dress with mine.
“I love you too! Now go make me an auntie!” Hayley’s smile lights up as she looks over to Tyler, who just watches her every move.
“Me too! Let me know if you need anything, Pauline,” I beam over at her, beyond excited that my friend is about to become a mom.
“Good luck, man. Let us know if you need anything, too.” Tyler reaches out to shake Dean’s hand, which I notice is trembling.
“Thanks, man. Uh, let’s go P. Your bag is already in the truck, but we still have the drive to make to the hospital.” Dean’s nervousness is apparent, a complete contrast to the confident and brooding person he normally is. He places his hand on the small of Pauline’s back, his other holding her forearm as he guides her to the parking lot, the group of us watching them leave.
The monumental change in their lives they’re about to experience hits me hard, tears starting to form in my eyes. All of my friends are moving on with their lives, cementing futures and growing families, and here I am still afraid to tell the man that I love that I do, in fact, love him.
“Um, I’m going to go too. I need to call our mom and probably take her to the hospital later,” Mike chimes in, addressing our friends. His eyes find mine, and I see this as my opportunity to talk to him.
“Hey, can we talk really quick?” I flick my head away from the surrounding people before turning, hoping that Mike will follow. My wedges make the walk even more difficult as my body is shaking from my nerves. I can feel the heat on my back though, not from the summer night falling around us, but from the man that warms me up to unhealthy temperatures every time he is around. As I stop and turn around to face him, Mike’s body nearly bumps into mine, his hands reaching out and finding my arms to keep us from colliding.
“Sorry,” he mutters, looking down at the ground before back up at me. “How are you?” He asks hesitantly.
“I’m okay,” I offer through a small smile. “I really think we need to talk though. There’s a lot I need to say, but with Pauline in labor, who knows when we will get the chance…”
“I agree. I have a lot I need to say, too, Vic. But, can I ask?” He pauses, his forehead crinkling with uncertainty. “Should I prepare myself for the worst?” His eyes are full of fear, waiting for my answer.
I place my hand on his cheek, my soft embrace affirming my reply. “I don’t think so,” I answer softly. “Should I?” I whisper back, now understanding how he must have felt asking me that same question, short of breath and worried about the unknown.
“Not a chance,” he confirms, the butterflies in my stomach flapping wildly. We’re going to be okay.
After Mike says his goodbyes to everyone and leaves, I’m left chaperoning Lilly as my parents left early to spend some time together just the two of them, which doesn’t happen very often anymore.
“Did you see Mike dance with me?” Lilly gleefully brags as we make our way to my car after the party becomes too much for a nine-year-old to witness.
“I did. He’s a very good dancer.”
“Yeah, he is. Did he win you over yet? Because he sure has with me!” She exclaims, her outburst making me laugh as we drive home.