Page 6 of A Simple Love
“Yup. He came up to me from behind, so I thought it was Mike. But when I turned and saw him, he got all serious and said he’s always wanted to date me but was waiting for me to finish school. I was standing there listening to him be completely honest about how he felt and how he’s wanted to take me on a date for years, and all I could think about was how Mike couldn’t even do that. I had been waiting for hours for Mike to talk to me, but Ben swooped in and laid everything out in the open,” I pause and then exhale. “So, I said yes.”
Hayley swallows her food and takes a long sip of her margarita. “Wow. Ok, so do you like Ben like that?”
I shrug. “I mean, he’s obviously attractive. The truth is, I haven’t really looked atanyonelike that in years. He definitely caught me off guard, but I figured, what the hell? I might as well give him a shot since he made the effort.” My smile is polite, which Pauline and Hayley know is my telltale sign that I’m not being completely honest.
“Ok, but what about Mike? I mean, come on Vic. We all know you guys have always had a thing for each other for years. Now all of a sudden, just because Ben asked you out, you’re going to forget all of that?”
I shake my head. “No, because right after Ben asked me out, Mike found me.”
“And? What happened? What did he say?” Pauline tries to sit up taller, failing miserably under her belly. I grab her plate from her, and she readjusts herself on the couch before I return her food.
“Well, I was not kind to him,” I chuckle. “I mean, he’d kept me waiting for hours, and realistically, it’s actually been years. So when he approached me, I was a real bitch and told him he was too late.”
Hayley laughs. “Wow, Vic! Good for you. What did he say?”
“I could tell I definitely caught him off guard. But then suddenly, he stood tall and demanded I go out with him too.”
Pauline and Hayley freeze again. “So what did you say?”
I break eye contact with my friends, staring down at the crumbs from the chips that once covered my plate I had devoured out of anxiety. “I didn’t really say anything. I just nodded.”
“Holy hell! Vic! You’ve gone from basically being a virgin to dating two men at the same time!” Pauline shouts, then grins around the straw of her drink.
“I am still a virgin, Pauline,” I say through gritted teeth. Even though I had a boyfriend in high school, he was less than understanding about my desire to wait to have sex. One night at a party, he got a little too intoxicated and tried to force himself on me. He got as far as pulling my pants down before I shoved my knee into his balls and ran out of the house, catching a ride with Pauline home. She remembers how traumatizing that night was for me, but I’ve shared no other details about my love life since then, because well, I haven’t had one.
“Really, Vic?” Hayley chimes in.
“Yes, really! Jesus, you guys! When have I had time to lose my virginity? And to who, I might add?” I throw my hands up in the air in exasperation. “I’ve been so busy with school and you both know I haven’t been dating, so when would that have happened?”
They look at each other with compassion in their eyes before Hayley rises from her chair and sits next to me, her arms wrapping around my shoulders. “I’m sorry, Vic. I didn’t really think about that. But hey, it’s okay. I’m beyond proud of you for focusing on your degree and your future career. Boys are trouble anyway, believe me,” she chuckles. “And when you do finally do it, it will be with someone you love, I’m sure.” She smiles at me before pulling me into a hug.
“Thanks. I feel like I’m missing out on something and I’m so behind in my love life. I mean, look at the two of you. A wedding and a baby on the way…. I haven’t even had sex yet!”
Pauline’s belly shakes up and down as she laughs at me. “Well, I can say with all honesty, you are definitely missing out,” she winks. “But it will happen when it’s supposed to and with the right person. Do you think that could be Ben?” She questions me with a tilt of her head, asking the question I really should ask myself.
“I honestly don’t know. But if I don’t put myself out there, how will I ever know, you know?” The doubt I feel right now is unsettling. I know I need to relax, but dating comes with certain expectations. And there are lines I’m just not comfortable crossing yet.
“I agree. And now, you get to date two guys and play the field a bit. OH! It will be like you’re on The Bachelorette!” Hayley squeals, clapping her hands together, garnering a laugh from Pauline and me.
“Yeah, you’ll get to go on dates with two men, have them wine and dine you and try to win you over! Oh, it’s so romantic and fun!”
Pauline scoffs. “Hales, hate to break it to you, but it’s nothing like The Bachelorette.” She ticks items off on her fingers. “First of all, the producers plan all of those dates, not the men or the Bachelorette, for that matter. Second, they won’t be traveling the world like they do on the show. And last, Vic won’t have a personal stylist dressing her to the nines every night. She just has us.”
Hayley looks like someone just popped her balloon as she watched it happen. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. But still,” she pipes up again. “You get to date two guys and see which one can win you over. That’s something for a girl who went from nothing to dating two guys literally overnight!”
Hayley’s perception of my dating charade amuses me. “Yeah, I guess. But I’m nervous. I know what I feel for Mike, deep down. But what if I realize that it was all in my head this entire time? What if I start to feel something for both of them? Can I kiss them both, or is that disgusting? How do you manage this? I’m SO out of my element, you guys!” I throw my face in my hands, shaking my head back and forth as the anxiety overcomes me. There is so much to consider in what I’m about to do and I have not had the time to process it.
Hayley rubs my shoulder. “Hey, you have us, and we will be here every step of the way. But I really think this is a good thing, Vic. It will help you gain some experience and, as you said, it will help you find out if these feelings you’ve been harboring for Mike all these years are real. You can kiss them both, I think that’s acceptable.” Pauline nods in agreement. “And of course, you don’t have to sleep with them, unless you feel ready to.”
“I’m not even close to being ready for that,” I interrupt.
“Then don’t. Just keep it PG and really get to know them. See what it is that you want. And hey, it could be that you don’t want either of them. That’s okay too.”
I nod in agreement. “Thanks girls. I don’t know what I would do without you guys.”
“And you never will, Vic. Best friends for life.” Pauline reaches out for my hand as the three of us share a moment.
“So Mike really demanded a date too, huh? I have a hard time imagining him acting that way,” Pauline breaks the silence as she moves to stand, gathering our trash as she makes her way back into the kitchen.