Page 8 of A Simple Love
“You’re right, Ty. Thanks. I hate to steal all your money and run, boys, but I’ve got a table that needs finishing tomorrow, which means I must rise with the sun to get it done. Thanks for the extra money, though. This will definitely come in handy over the next few weeks,” I joke before draining the last few gulps of my beer and setting the empty bottle on the table.
Dean chuckles at me. “No problem, bro. Glad we could help. Now get your mind working and figure out how you’re going to convince Vic that you’re the only man she needs.” He smiles over at me, and for the briefest second, he looks just like our dad. The realization hits me hard, my stomach clenching at the notion that my dad would never have been there for me the way my older brother has. Even though Dean is only eleven months older than me, he’s always been the protector of the family and strove to guide me in the best way he knew possible. I admire him immensely for being a man nothing like our dad was. He’s honest, hardworking, protective, and loves fiercely. Pauline is lucky to have him, and so am I.
“Thanks, bro. And you too, Tyler. See ya soon.” I smile back at my brother and my friend before turning and walking out the door.
The ride home is filled with nothing but the rumble of my truck beneath me as I contemplate my next move with Vic. How do I show her what she means to me? How do I accept the fact that this other guy is vying for her attention now too? I’m so conflicted and wrapped up in different scenarios in my head that I almost miss the turn I need to take to get home. I shake it off and brace my hands on my steering wheel as I shift into park in front of my house. Simple. I need to keep things simple. But what happens next is anything but simple.
Chapter 7
“What do you think, Lilly? Is it too much?”
I’m standing in front of my full-length mirror, twisting from side to side as I judge my choice of outfit. Ben is picking me up for our first date tonight and he told me to dress up. The emerald green dress I chose was actually an outfit I purchased for my future teaching job as a graduation present to myself, but the silky fabric and curve-hugging fit made it appropriate for a date as well.
“You look like a model, Vic,” Lilly squeals from her cross-legged position on my bed. Her eyes are perusing my body as I slip on my black peep-toe heels and fluff my hair cascading down my back. I’m not a stick figure by any means, but my long legs and ample hips allow me to carry my weight well. I wasn’t as blessed in the boob area though, my subtle B-cups providing just enough curves to balance out my bottom half.
“Who knew I could pull off an outfit besides jeans or my uniform for the diner, huh?” I joke as I turn and take in the expression on my younger sister’s face. The hazel eyes that mirror mine are staring at me in awe, pure adoration without one ounce of judgment. I yearn for the naivety of her age again, the time in your life where your doubts and insecurities don’t run your mind. I turn to look in the mirror again, picking apart every flaw or imperfection I see in my appearance, but I vow to keep them to myself. I never want my sister to hear me speak about myself negatively, aiming to set the example so hopefully, she won’t desecrate her own self-image one day. As women, we know our own worst critics tend to be ourselves.
“You should wear that dress every day. Where are you going tonight anyway?” Curiosity fills her voice, reminding me that I need to come clean to her about my dating situation.
I tell my sister everything, within age-appropriate reason of course. And I know that trying to keep this from her would prove to be more challenging than the actual dating of the two men. I figure being honest with her about the prospect of two men vying for my attention is the best approach to the situation I’m still having trouble accepting.
Huffing out my despair, I take a seat next to her on the bed. “Come here, Lilly. I actually need to talk to you about something.”
She scoots closer to me, her hand reaching out to play with my hair before she smiles up at me. “I wish my hair looked like yours,” she exasperates, causing me to chuckle.
“It does, silly. You are basically my younger twin.” I wrinkle my nose at her before nuzzling our noses together.
“Um, no it doesn’t. But whatever.” She rolls her eyes before continuing. “What do you need to talk to me about?” She’s acting all grown up and irritated like I’m keeping her from living her life right now.
“So, I have a date tonight,” I start slowly, absorbing her reaction before continuing.
Her eyebrows shoot up fast. “A date! With Mike?” My sister’s smile beams across her face, which makes me grin back at her, but then I shake my head.
“No. It’s with Ben.”
“Ben? Who’s Ben?” Disgust clouds her voice, her scowl confirming she’s less than enthusiastic about this news.
“He’s a friend of mine who asked me out the other night. And I said yes.”
“But what about Mike?” Lilly has always been Team Mike, ever since he played with her one day at the park about three years ago. I was pushing her on the swings when he showed up randomly, casting me aside while he chased her up and down the slides and helped her tackle all the obstacles she couldn’t complete on her own. That was the day Lilly fell in love with Mike, and I think I did too a little.
“Well, I’m going out with him next week.” Mike had called last night, asking what my plans were the following week. I was honest and told him that I had a date with Ben this evening, but that I was free any time really since I was finished with school and it was too early to get the keys to my classroom. His business was keeping him swamped with orders to fulfill, but he offered to take me out next weekend and I agreed, reluctantly. I mean, I know I want to go on a date with him. But the idea of dating two men at the same time is still a reality I’m trying to wrap my head around.
“Um, I’m confused. You are going on a date with both of them? Are they both your boyfriends now?” Her face is wrinkled in a way that makes me laugh, the wheels so obviously turning furiously in her nine-year-old mind.
“No, Lilly. They are not both my boyfriends. You should only ever have one boyfriend at a time, okay?” She nods in agreement. “But both of them wanted to spend time with me, so I’m taking turns being their friends. Does that make sense?” My hand reaches out to caress her shoulder, trying to put her at ease.
“I guess. So when do you decide which one wins? It’s like a competition, right?” I chuckle at her, grasping the fact that everyone seems to think this is some kind of game.
“No, it’s not a competition. But I hope something, or someone, will help me decide who wins, I suppose. I’m not sure, but I’m trying something new, taking a risk. It’s unfamiliar and different for me, but I wanted to be honest with you, since I always tell you I will be.”
Her head dips down, her eyes focusing on her hands in her lap before she looks back up at me. “Okay,” she nonchalantly shrugs. “But I hope Mike wins.”
She hops off my bed and races out of my room before I can get another word in edge-wise, silently replying in my head, “Yeah, I hope he does too.”
Standing back up, I take one final glance in the mirror as I hear a knock at the front door. My dad’s voice echoes in the house as he greets Ben, their hands shaking one another the only image I see as I make my way down the hallway. Turning the corner, I’m greeted by Ben looking stunningly handsome in a blue suit, his jacket buttoned securely around his trim waist, his dark brown hair styled to perfection while his pearly white smile beams at the sight of me.