Page 57 of Revived
“So I guess I quit tonight?” Dropping my purse on the table by the door, I see Luke sitting on the couch, barely keeping his eyes open.
“And did you think that should have been my decision?” That wakes him up. I’m giving him a hard time, although after his blatant display of affection tonight, I can’t be that mad at him. But he can’t just make decisions about my life and well-being without consulting me.
“I don’t like you working there, knowing there are scumbags like Henry who can make you feel uncomfortable. The idea of you walking to your car tonight, knowing he could have been waiting in the parking lot for you made my stomach twist in knots.”
“Tony always walks me to my car,” I explain as I sit down next to him, the smell of beer and fried food still apparent on my clothes.
“I know. But it still made me worried. You don’t need to be there when you could be here with me.” His palm finds my cheek as I melt into his touch.
“You should have talked to me about it first, instead of just telling Tony tonight was my last shift.”
“You’re right,” he nods. “But he just laughed at me anyway and told me it was ultimately your choice.”
“Tony’s a smart man. Understands women.”
“I’ve forgotten a lot I used to know about women…” Luke’s eyes narrow at me, like he’s studying every detail about my face.
“Well, let me enlighten you. Don’t make decisions for a woman without talking to her first, even if you’re trying to protect her. I appreciate you wanting to do that for me, but I’m a big girl and can handle myself. I’ve done that for a very long time.”
“With that being said, if me working at Tony’s bothers you that much, I can consider quitting after I start school. But the money I’m making there will help me pay for books and parking, among other things when the time comes.”
“I’ll give you a raise.”
I can’t help but chuckle at his quick response. “You don’t need to do that, and I can’t ask you to. I’m fine. My father keeps depositing money in my account anyway, even though I told him not to.”
Brushing a loose strand of hair from my face as his finger trails the shell of my ear, he scoots closer to me. “I’d love to meet your parents one day.”
“I’d love for that too.”
Before I can speak another word, his lips are on mine and our kiss becomes frantic in an instant. Luke crawls over me, grinding his erection between my legs as my body ignites, warming up to the idea that sex with Luke is just on the horizon.
“I want you, Rachel,” he growls in my ear. “I think I’m ready for that.”
“Now?” I push him off of me slightly so I can see his eyes.
He shakes his head. “No. Tomorrow. I want to wine and dine you first, treat you like the lady you are, show you the details of a relationship you deserve. And then…”
“Yes.” My response comes out breathlessly as I pull his mouth back to mine and we continue to grind against each other before relenting to the need to separate before we skip our date and fuck each other senseless.
Relaxing in bed after a shower and a change of clothes, I ease the ache between my legs while imaging what sex will be like with Luke, the thoughts doing nothing but making me more on edge as I await tomorrow night anxiously.