Page 12 of Shadow's Sinner
My cock still throbs slightly in my pants at the memory of her velvety warm mouth on me. I’ve seen it done before but watching it and experiencing it are two different things. I would have never guessed that I’d have a girl on her knees before me in the middle of a damn forest. Does this count as breaking my vows to my king? How far do the lines ofstaying celibatego?
Stepping over fallen branches as I trudge through the dark forest before me, trying to find my destination, I look up at the stars and follow the brightest one, knowing that it will take me where I need to be. After what feels like forever, I finally spot the flickering of fires in the distance. Picking up my pace, I enter the circle the disciples have made to help me find this place. Trekking over the cold ground to the wood cage in the corner, I wrench it open, crawling through the small door and depositing my little shadow at the back. She stirs slightly, mumbling something in her sleep, but continues to lay there limp. I remove my cloak and drape it over her, so she doesn’t freeze to death. That would completely defeat the whole purpose of bringing her here. Crawling out of the small cage, I close the door before leaning my side against the hardwood, staring down at her. Shivering like a leaf under my cloak, she subconsciously reaches out to pull it tighter around her. She looks so innocent like this, almost as innocent as she was the last time I saw her. My mind flits back to memories of her dressed in her white nightgown, terrified, and shaking in the hallway of her home. The beginning of what feels like forever ago.
“Alright, Disciples, does everyone understand their part in tomorrow's ritual?” I say,sweeping my gaze around the circle, watching as they all nod their heads eagerly. They will do anything to please me or their king, even if it means killinginnocent people. I never did agree with that part, but my father always said that “this is just the way it is.”
“Okay, then I think it’s time that we call it a night. Thank you, Mr. Wren, for hosting our meeting this evening. You have pleased me and for doing so, you will get to be an integral part of tomorrow's ritual.” I smile over at the older man standing next to the door, and he beams at me with delight. Twisting the golden knob on the door, he pushes it open, gesturing for everyone to head out. He verbally thanks me, but I barely hear him with the sight in front me.
Standing in the hall clad in a frilly white night dress is one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. Her red hair flows down her back, emerald eyes glowing with fear as she looks at me.
“What the fuck are you doing out of your room!” Breaking eye contact with her, I swing my eyes to Mr. Wren, watching as he stalks toward the terrified girl. She’s trembling like a leaf, and I’m not sure why. Mr. Wren has always seemed so nice. He always talks about his girls, about their achievements, and even passes around school photos of them. “Lakelyn, you know you aren’t supposed to be out here after bed!” He grabs her arm, shoving her into the wall, spit flying from his mouth as he yells at her.
“Daddy, I’m sorry, I just had to go to the bathroom!” She pleads with him as he’s shaking her by the shoulders. Tears gather in her eyes, face red from embarrassment as she looks at her audience from the corner of her eyes. The look of fear she has makes me angry. It makes me want to tear Mr. Wren limb from limb. She’s too pure to know fear like this.
“I don’t fucking care. You hold it until morning you ungrateful brat!” His hand whips out, slapping her across the face and sending her head flying to the side. A pained sob rips out of her throat, and I can’t hold myself back anymore. Onesecond I’m standing in the office still, and the next I’m in the hall holding Mr. Wren by the wrist.
“I think that there is a perfectly good explanation as to why Lakelyn is out of her room this late, isn’t there? I don’t think there’s any need for more violence,” I say, looking over at Lakelyn, her green eyes swimming with tears as they cascade down her face. “Well, go on then. Why did you need to use the bathroom so badly that you disobeyed the rules of your parents this evening? Are you feeling alright?” She shakes with fear as I try my hardest to make my voice soft and reassuring for her.
“Y-yes I-I uh,” Lakelyn starts as she blushes and stares at the floor before continuing on. “I started my monthly cycle and needed supplies,”she says, her breath hiccupping as she finishes explaining. My hand tightens on Mr. Wren's wrist before I drop it, like it burnt me.
“Very well, child. Why don’t you carry on with what you were doing, then. Disciples, I think we are done here. You can all follow me, especially you,” I say pointedly to Mr. Wren as I walk towards the front door.
I can’t even remember another time that I wanted to kill one of my own outside of that night. The restraint I used not to tear Mr. Wren’s head off was immense. Just thinking about that night makes me angry all over again. She wasn’t supposed to be in these woods tonight. We made a deal years ago that Lakelyn would never sit in a cage like this. I’m not sure what happened between now and then, but there better be a good explanation for it. She never deserved this. The way she makes me feel, like I have no control, is intoxicating, and I’m not sure if I can give that up. I peer over at my little shadow’s sleeping form, wondering how I will get us out of this mess.
Chapter Ten
Ismile into the warm cloth covering my body. Though the ground is cold, I don’t care, not with the warmth on top of me and the smell of sandalwood and citrus. I cling to the cloth, burying my nose in the oddly familiar scent. I let out a sigh, feeling safe and content. I can’t remember the last time I felt comfortable enough to just lie here without sleeping and feel at home.
“I was beginning to worry that I may have caused more damage than I meant to." The shadow man's voice pulls me out of the brief comfort. My heart plummets to my stomach, and my eyes snap open, immediately falling on the man sitting in front of me outside of the cage. His face is hidden in the depths of his hood. I swallow hard, fear licking up my spine as I stare at himthrough the wooden bars. My eyes drift around the area, a few torches lighting the wooded scenery. I swallow the lump in my throat, blinking away the tears forming in my eyes.Why am I such a crybaby?
My muscles ache as I sit up, easing myself back against the cage. I pull the cloth over my body trying to hide myself away from the shadow man’s gaze. I can feel his eyes drilling a hole into my skull, and I can’t understand why.
“Where am I?” I blurt out.
“In a cage.” His voice carries through the wind. I roll my eyes and bite my tongue, even though I know better than to roll my eyes. Dad always said it wasn’t ladylike, and the next time he saw me do it I was going to be in big trouble. It was enough of a warning that I never did it again until now.
“Why am I in a cage?” I ask, wrapping my arms around my knees.
“I put you in there.”
I close my eyes to stop myself from rolling them or shooting daggers at him. I hate that he’s being cryptic and not telling me the truth. I know I have no right to demand he tell me, but my head feels as if it’s going to explode any minute now. I’m scared, and the anxiety sinking in my gut makes bile rise in my throat.
“Why won’t you look at me?” the shadow man asks. I frown, my eyes flickering over to him. He sits in front of the cage, his hands resting on his knees, looking at ease.
For some reason that irritates me, I don’t want him to look fine with me sitting here, cold and feeling things.
“I’m not sure,” I answer.Sinner.My cheeks heat, and I can only imagine how red my face is. My eyes flicker down, but with the way he’s sitting, I can’t see anything. All I can think about is what he did to me.
“Why did you knock me out?” I ask, unable to look away.
“I won’t answer your questions if you can’t look at me.”
Against my better judgment, my eyes trail up his body until I meet his eyes. Something flashes across his face, but just like last time, as soon as it appears, it’s gone. His hazel eyes stare into mine as if he’s looking for my soul. I want to tell him I might not have one, but I keep my mouth shut. Most of his face is still hidden in the depths of his robe and the darkness but something about him feels all too familiar.
That is until a smile spreads across his face, and he says, “There it is. The respect your master deserves.”
My lips press together, annoyed at his words. After everything he did, he has no right to talk about respect.
“Excuse me?” The words fly out of my mouth. A tingle of fear wiggles along my spine, but I hold it back. I might be a naive girl, but I’m not going to let him just walk all over me.