Page 22 of Dreamers Often Lie
I stopped dead in my tracks. “Really?”
“Yes, come on.” He pulled me and wrapped his hand through my arm. “I need him, and he said he was bringing Merc. I thought you two were friendly now. It sure seemed like you were at the party.”
“We’re not killing each other.”
“I’ll take that. Please, just do this for me. Ok?”
I nodded.
We walked the last two blocks in silence. It wasn’t that I didn’t like Merc. I didn’tnotlike him, if you know what I mean. It was just that he made me crazy. All of his bantering andsnarky comments twisted my mind up into a knot that I couldn’t unravel. When I left him a couple of days ago, I couldn’t get him out of my mind. The things he said to me and the way he tried to connect made me feel uncomfortable. I hadn’t been able to truly connect with anyone in a very long time. It was safer that way. Jules was about as close as I had ever gotten, and even that was half-assed. I wasn’t a fully formed person, and Merc made me think about that fact. He also made me want to reach out and touch him – not for the studio and the audience – but for myself. There was something real about him. I hadn’t had anything real in a very long time.
“Ok. Be nice.” Jules said as we stopped in front of the door. I could see Roam and Merc sitting uncomfortably at a small round table in the back corner. Merc raised his hand and grinned at me as if he were happy to see me.
Fuck. My stomach flipped. Damn, he looked sexy as fuck. That black tank top was… It fit him very well.
“I’ll be on my best behavior, boo,” I huffed and tried to push the butterflies down where they belonged. Those feelings would only cause me regret later. It was safer to stay the way I was. “After you.” I pulled the door open, and we went inside.
“This isn’t a cat café, you know?” Merc grinned slyly. Fuck. His deep voice had wormed his way in and felt comforting and dangerous all at the same time.
“Fuck you, Merc,” I said lowly. Roam snorted back a laugh and stood as Jules rushed into his arms.
“Ah, young love. Ain’t it grand?” Merc scooted out a chair beside him with his foot. “Pop a squat, hot stuff.”
I grabbed it by the back and pulled it to what I considered a safe distance away from him. His tight tank top showed every muscle he had as if it were see-through. Soon, my fingers would be exploring them, and… Stop! This is just a fucking job – another fuck that will lead nowhere, and I had to remember that.
Jules pulled back from Roam and nodded his head. Together, they sat down in their chairs and scooted them close together. Jules reached over, and Roam took his hand and held it lovingly in his lap. It made me jealous.
“Are you ok?” Roam asked huskily. His voice broke with concern.
“No. I am troubled and in despair.” Jules batted his eyes in a way that only Jules could, yet he was still masculine at the same time. He danced between the lines, and that was why he was so popular. “Everything is coming up pentacles, and I can’t find a way out.”
“What are you… Oh…” I realized. Jules’ tarot thing was real, and he rarely did anything without consulting it. “Pentacles? Those are bad?”
“Yes, silly. Now, before we begin, I need you and Roam to shake hands,” he demanded. “I know the rivalry thing still feels real, and all of you tops have taken it way too seriously for far too long.” He smirked. “I am serious about Roam. I am also serious about you, Ty. Merc, I don’t really know you – but if you have Roam’s heart, you also have mine.”
Roam stood up and offered his hand. I sat there dumbly until Merc kicked my shin gently.
“Don’t leave the poor boy standing there.” Merc chuckled, and my toes actually tightened in my shoes.
I slowly stood up and gave him my hand. “Don’t hurt him.”
“I couldn’t. He’s already taken complete control of my heart. Cupid pierced me with his arrow the minute our eyes met, and anyone and everyone else just fell away until it was only him.” His sincerity was overwhelming.
But, God! The pretention was also real. Merc was right – his emo had another level of emo underneath. No wonder people fawned all over him. “Dude? Can I have my hand back now?”
“Oh, sorry. I’ve just heard so much about you from Jules. I’m also totally a secret fan. I watch all your videos.”
“That’s… cool.” It actually always weirded me out when people told me this. I was fine with what I did, but it still made me… It felt odd. I felt the same way about fan interactions, which happened every now and then. I fucked – they beat off. It was weird.
We both sat back down, and Jules kicked his feet over Romeo’s legs and sighed heavily. “So, the reason I got us all together.” He slid his feet off and leaned onto the table. “It’s horrid. Cappie has decided that I now belong to Paris Fitzsimmons. There is a clause in my contract – you should check yours too, Ty – that allows him to rent me out for long-term assignments like I’m a courtesan. Of course, there is also a clause in Paris’ contract that still allows me to film for Cappie twice a month. It basically states that while I am on this long-term rental, like I’m a fucking condo, I have to obey the client and provide any service that he wishes, or I would be in breach of said contract.”
“That’s… crazy.” Merc looked unnerved. “If Cappie has it, I bet Monty does too. The apple didn’t fall too far from the tree, I bet.”
“It’s like I’m in that movie where they sing on top of the elephant.” He ran his fingers through his blonde hair, and his blue eyes looked up with tears in them. “My God, I’m Nicole Kidman! Seriously, could life get any worse? I’m living the life of a ginger, and I’m platinum blonde!” His eyes spilled as tears fell down his cheeks.
Dramatic. But sweet. Hearing this made my stomach clench into a knot. This was extra-level shittiness from my uncle.
“This is forced sexual servitude.” Roam’s face turned red. “We should fight it.”