Page 7 of Dreamers Often Lie
“Yes, sir. Please… Let me taste you when you… I want it all.” He begged, and I pushed myself faster into him as if I were a drill.
I was getting closer. When sex was your business, you learned how to control the money shots.
“You wanna taste me?”
“Yes, please…”
“That’s extra.” And I was worth every fucking penny. I should bottle it and sell it online.
“I’ll pay whatever you… fuck… yes.”
I thrust into him once more as hard as I could and then slowly pulled out before crawling to sit on his chest. His hands slid up my torso, and he put my hard pecs in his hands as he worshipped my body. He opened his mouth, and I slid my cock between his lips. He clamped down, and I slid in and out a couple of times before I shot my load into him. It was a big load, and it dribbled out of his mouth. He slurped as much of it down as he could.
I patted his cheek and chuckled. “And with that, our time has come to an end.” I slid my cock between his tight lips, and it popped free and slapped him on his chin.
“God, your cock is so fucking beautiful. How big is it?”
“Eight and a half.” I used my pelvic muscles to bounce it up and down over his face as the last of my cum dribbled onto his shaved skin. “But it’s really the girth that makes you feel so fucking good. Did you like that?”
“I haven’t felt that in… It’s been quite some time.”
“Yes, ever since Bobby died.” His eyes misted. I shouldn’t have asked that. It was none of my business, and I had no idea what sadness his past contained. Most older men held their sadness like a shroud around them.
“I’m sorry.”
He sniffled. I slowly crawled off of him and sat on the bed beside him.
“It’s ok. It’s been years now. But it never really goes away. When we first met, we were so young. We spent thirty-eight years together. This was the first time I…”
“How long has it been?”
“Three years. Thank you. You made me feel seen again after feeling invisible for far too long.” He sniffled, and I stroked his thinning hair. I did have things to do and needed to get out of here and on my way. But sometimes, this was part of the job. I felt sorry for him. One day, this could be all of us. Who would I mourn? No one if I stayed in the life I led. The only person who actually cared for me was another of my kind – my sweet and narcissistic Jules.
“It’s… ok, Ty. You can leave. I’m just gonna lay here and wallow in all of the emotions, I guess. I think this helped me to… release some of them that I’ve held pent up for too long.”
“Are you sure? I can stay a little bit longer if you need me.” Please let me go. I really needed to shower and get ready for the event that Cappie was throwing tonight. I fucking hated Halloween.
“Yes. You… Thank you. Can I see you again?”
“You know who to call.”
“Do you accept tips?”
I nodded and stroked his face one last time. “You also got the money shot in your mouth. I usually charge another fifty for that. But this time, I’ll…”
He reached over and grabbed his phone from the nightstand, and I heard the ding of a tip on my own phone somewhere in my carefully folded pants. “I'm happy to pay. You taste salty and tangy. It was very masculine. You are very masculine.”
“Thank you.”
He lay there as I dressed, and I went over and stroked his face one more time before walking out of his bedroom and out of his house. The sun was bright, and I smelled of sweat and sex – itwasn’t always the most pleasant of aromas. When I had sex with someone, I gave my all, and the sweat dripped from me. There were memes and forums all about the Prince of Cats and his sweaty torso. People really needed to do something better with their time, but it did make my paychecks bigger.
I walked over to the town car that had been waiting for me, and my phone buzzed. I fished it out of my pocket and looked at the number. Fuck… Uncle Cappie was calling, and that was never a good thing. Hopefully, he didn’t whore me out again, or I was never going to be ready on time for this fucking party.
“Ty, I need you to get to the house as fast as you can,” he snapped. All he ever did was order me around.
“Hello to you, too, Uncle. What’s going on?”