Page 18 of Rich and Bossy
She looks over her shoulder again like she’s making sure nobody can identify her. She looks at my car.
Her whole body looks like it’s trembling, trying to keep her from making this mistake.
Finally, she starts around toward the passenger side. “Fine. One drink, and I’m not promising I’ll finish it.”
“Whatever you need to tell yourself.” I reach over and open the car door handle.
Quickly, I stack up all her fliers and toss them in the backseat.
“I did it for the car. Not for you.”
I pat the dash. “Atta girl, win one for the home team.”
Hazel starts to say something when I turn the key and fire her up. That’s one thing about a badass car. Even when a woman is staring daggers, pissed off at you, you can turn that around with a turn of the key.
I can’t decide if this is the best or worst idea I’ve ever had in my life.
I’m also not sure that I really care.
I take a look over at Hazel, smirk, then I floor it.
Oh.My. God.
My back slams into the seat, and it feels like my chest is going to push right through the back of me. The vibrations from the engine start in my feet and it sends a shock wave up through my torso. I love muscle cars. I should not be enjoying this, with this man behind the wheel.
He looks like a little boy, grinning, as he shifts through the gears every time the engine gets so loud it sounds like it might explode. Something tells me that smile he’s wearing right now has nothing to do with me, either. It feels like he probably wears it every time he drives this car around town.
Oh, and I’m sure he drives it however he wants, too, because laws don’t apply to people like him.
Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
This is the dumbest idea I’ve ever had in my life. I can’t believe I’m sitting in this ridiculous car with this ridiculous man, much less that we’re going somewhere together.
What am I thinking?
I could have gone back in and made more copies. I have the thumb drive. I don’t need the pages he paid for—it’s not like I lost any money, right?
So why am I here? Why did I agree?
Because he’s hot.
I feel like I’m selling out everyone I work with by doing this.Maybe you can convince him to change things? He obviously likes you.
Yeah, right. You heard him. He can’t fix this stuff, even if he wanted to. The board would fire him.
I should’ve told him to leave me alone.
I let him win by getting in the car. This fine, specimen of an automobile.
Stop worshipping the car.
I’m letting him win with each mile that passes. Keeping my hands clasped together between my knees like some kind of starstruck child. I left my car in the parking lot. I hope it doesn’t get towed. Of all the things for me to worry about right now.