Page 36 of Rich and Bossy
“I mean, maybe in the fine print, if you have some kind of medical excuse. But the way they presented it, was that it was not an option. They made it sound like it was so they could safely tell where everyone was. But they use it to write people up for not being productive and meeting quotas.”
“Oh, I’m sure they would say it’s for safety.”
“Which is crap. Safety is the worst it’s ever been. The equipment needs updated. Now you have to dodge automated robot arms everywhere if you walk through the floor. Old equipment goes down all the time, but we’re blamed for running slow. The trackers were the thing that got me the most, though. I think we’re a pilot program, to work the bugs out, then they’re rolling it out to all warehouses before we get into the holiday season.”
“Someone has lost their mind over there.”
“It even manages our vitals. I know for a fact, I’ve taken rests where my heartrate will slow, and suddenly there’s a manager behind me, staring. I can’t prove that, because they’d never let me see it, but other people have said the same things. It vibrates on our wrists too, if our hands stop moving. I guess it tracks it like a smart watch. They don’t tell us how any of it works, just that we have to wear them.”
“Absolutely ridiculous.”
“I think so, but anytime we push back, we’re told it’s all normal. This is just to help the company. Help make us better at our jobs.” It’s so nice to finally have someone listen who understands how insane this is, what they’re doing to people.
I tell her about Jim getting hurt the other day, and how they tried to keep him at the company medical facility and not have him go to a hospital. I keep thinking how it could’ve been a whole lot worse than him cutting his finger badly. Now my voice is trembling for another reason, full of emotion. So what if she’s my idol? I can’t help it. “Someone’s going to get killed in that place. I feel like I need to do something. Anything.”
We go over all the paperwork I and my coworkers have submitted to HR. Every meeting raising our concerns with Paul and the management staff. How they’re always looking into it, then nothing ever changes.
Silence stretches out between us for so long, I have to check the screen to make sure we’re still connected. I think she’s just making notes and reading all of them.
Finally, Campbell clears her throat. “Would it be okay if I fly out there this weekend?”
Wait what?
The force of my surprise slams me back into my chair. I always thought this was a pipe dream. Like something to threaten the company with, scare them a little to get some of these demands met.
With Campbell Page on our side, we may actually get a union formed. Like it feels like it could really happen.
“Really? You’re serious?” This still doesn’t feel real. “Like to help us?”
“Absolutely. This is what I do, and it would be a huge win if we could get a Rapid warehouse organized. It’s bigger than just that company, Hazel. If we can pull this off, it inspires others. They see Rapid employees putting up a fight, and the company giving in, and they say hey, we can do that too. None of you should be forced to work like this.” Anger practically drips from her voice, bringing to mind some of the impassioned speeches I’ve heard her deliver. I never thought she’d be delivering one directly to me, though.
“Yes, well, yes, whatever you think we should do.” Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, this is really happening. I can’t believe it. I’m kicking myself for almost talking myself out of sending that message now.
“So, could you pick me up at the airport? I can send you my information once I get a ticket. I can snag a car and a hotel room after I get settled in, but I want to hit the ground running.”
“Of course. I can do that.” I clamp a hand over my mouth, horrified that I’ve pretty much screamed at her. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to get so loud.”
“That’s okay.” For the first time, it sounds like she laughs a little. “I know how it feels when somebody finally takes your concerns seriously. What a relief it is. Tells you you’re not crazy.” Her laughter fades fast. “But listen. There’s something serious you need to consider before we get started.”
“If we move forward with this,youwill be the face of it. Do you understand what I’m saying?You’llbe the one standing in front of the room, talking to people.You’llbe the one giving interviews. It’ll be your face, your voice, your name attachedto this. And if you’re worried about your age, and being taken seriously, then you need to get the most seasoned, well-respected veterans of that warehouse on your side, immediately. And it might sound easy to do, but it’s not. When the company finds out what we’re doing, they will go after those people first, the same way we will. And we don’t have anything to offer them other than they’d be doing the right thing.”
“Wow.” This got so heavy, so fast. “I didn’t…”
“Are you comfortable with that?” Her voice gets hard. “I have to be firm about this, Hazel. This is one of the largest companies in the world. We’re talking about real consequences here. Big ones. And once we open this door, there’s no closing it again. You hear what I’m saying? Are you sure you want to move forward with this?”
“Well, I mean, we’re protected by union laws and all that, right?”
“Hazel, listen to me…”
I lean in a little, even though she’s not in the room. “Yeah?”
“They will not play by the rules, and it will get worse if we make progress. It will be an ugly fight. The laws mean nothing to these people. They find ways around it. Sometimes they take risks if they think they can string it out long enough for people to forget and pay a small fine. They will buy off anyone they possibly can. They will smear you up and down, then back and forth. You have to be willing to be destroyed, if it comes to that.”
I gulp. I knew all of that already, but to hear her confirm it is something else. “Yes.” I nod a little. “I’ll do whatever it takes, for my friends.”
“I believe you.” She laughs a little. “I don’t know why, but you’re very convincing. I can hear the sincerity in your voice. You’re dedicated to this, aren’t you?”