Page 38 of Rich and Bossy
Damn, you’re gonna do it.
Right as she passes in front of the beamer, I open the door and reveal myself.
“Well looky who we have here.”
She spins on her heel, her brows drawn together like she’s ready to fight. I’m pretty sure she recognized my voice immediately. “What are you doing here?” Her eyes dart all around, then over to the BMW. “And what is that…” Her hand waves around at it. “Thing?”
“Had to be stealthy. You’d see black beauty and take off the other way.”
She just launches right into a tirade. “Are you nuts? Do you know how awkward you’re making things for me? I can’t be seen with you here.”
“Why does it have to be awkward? I own this place. It makes sense that I’m here.”
“I know. People will see me withyou. It doesn’t look good.”
“Why not? We’re all on the same team, right?”
Her eyes dart around and her jaw sets. “You know why.”
Wow, I expected her to be uncomfortable, but this is even more fun than I thought. I take a step toward her. “Worried someone might take a picture? Think you’re colluding with the enemy?”
She backs up a step to match mine. “Would you quit?”
She looks like she’s mad, but I can see a hint of a smile trying to come out. “I don’t think I will quit. I’ve been closer to you than this. Surely you remember.”
Now, her cheeks turn a little pink. “I, uhh, yes, I remember.” She takes another step back.
“Do I make you nervous, Hazel?” I get dangerously close to her ear when I say it.
She looks away, like I’m not getting to her. “No.”
“I think you’re full of shit.”
“Feeling is mutual. Trust me.”
I lean back, arms folded, and grin at her. “Fair enough. I have a way to solve this dilemma.”
“I have a feeling this is going to be the dumbest question I ask in my life. But how do you propose to do that?”
“I need you to come with me.” I pat the hood of the beamer.
She stares at me in open-mouthed surprise for a split-second before a throaty laugh bubbles out of her. “You can’t be serious.”
“Do I look like I’m kidding?”
“No way. I’m not going anywhere with you.” She glares at the car. “And not inthat.” She starts to walk toward the warehouse.
Before she can get away, I grab her arm and draw her closer. “Oh really? Then you’re fired.”
I have the pleasure of watching her face go dark red. “You can’t fire me.”
“I already told your manager, good ol’ Paul, that I need you for the day. If you refuse, that’s insubordination. Where I come from, that’s a fireable offense.” I shake my head in mock sadness, clicking my tongue. “What a shame. You’ve been so good to the company to go out like this.”
Her glare could cut through steel. “This is extortion and you’re a jerk.”
“Insulting your superiors is not a good way to respond right now. You’re racking up the charges today, Miss Strous.”
All she can do is glare right at me.