Page 5 of Rich and Bossy
She stands there, staring me down. Something tells me she didn’t mean to take things this far, and she just decided to go for it. Good for her.
“Whatever you say, Mr. Briggs. Boss knows best.” She does this sarcastic voice that has a submissive tone to it. “Thank you so much for your time.”
The elevator finally fucking dings.
“Well, thank you for your sincerity, but flattery will get you nowhere.”
“Yeah, I didn’t think it would, but it was worth a shot, since nothing else worked.” She arches an eyebrow, then looks me up and down.
Something just changed in her demeanor.
Holy fuck, it’s kind of intimidating. I didn’t know she had this look in her. My mind is still stuck on her calling me Mr. Briggs too, and I’m trying to keep my dick from getting hard. I already know I’ll jerk off to it later. I remember wanting off this elevator, but now I find myself still standing in it, even though the door finally slides open.
“Well, I do need to get on about my day.” I had to say something. It was one of those awkward moments when someone makes a statement, and there’s not really anything to say in return. I take a step toward the door.
“You do what you need to do, sir. But if some pretty serious changes don’t happenverysoon, things are going to get uncomfortable around here.”
She comes with a right hook and it lands. I felt that one on the chin. So she actually wants to throw down?
Something inside me rises to the challenge. I turn to her, blocking the door from closing with my hand. “I still don’t know your name.”
“Hazel Strous.”
I take a step toward her. I make sure to lean a little and look right down my nose at her. “Okay, Miss Hazel Strous. Care to elaborate onuncomfortable? That sounded like a threat.”
“Now, why on earth would I threaten you?” She bats her long eyelashes right at me, and does a helpless little girl voice. “I couldn’t possibly win. I’m just a child, remember?”
“Now you’re getting it.” I wink at her.
I still maintain winking is corny as fuck, but I deliver it perfectly. I can practically feel her rage rising inside her.
The elevator doors start to close, and I smack my hand on it again to keep it open while trying to keep my eyes pinned on her.
Miss Hazel Strous stands there, still glaring, like she’s not going anywhere.
Before making my exit, I have to get a few final words in. “I really will look into your concerns. Nowyou…” I shouldn’t do this, but I boop her right on the nose with my index finger just as I say the wordyou. “Don’t do anything hasty that you might regret, okay?”
What in the fuck is wrong with you?
The funniest fucking part is I know she’s furious. I know she’s seething, but she had the self-control to just let me do it, and her smileneverfucking broke! Talk about respect. That takes some serious self-control.
I might be in love.
I know I’m being a dickhead, and Hazel Strous is definitely a headache waiting to happen for someone, but damn. Now, I really wouldn’t mind promoting her up to corporate so I could look at her more frequently. It might even solve two problems at once. Get to see her and end this complaining nonsense and whatever she thinks she’s going to do to make things uncomfortable around here.
I back up a few steps, exiting the elevator.
“Oh, I won’t. I swear.” She gives me an evil grin, and I’ll be fucked if the doors don’t close way faster than they open.
It keeps me from getting to say anything in return. She wears that shit-eating grin the whole time they close in my face, like she hoped this would all go exactly the way it just did.
One thing is absolutely certain…
This morning went from boring to exhilarating. My adrenaline is pumping like I’m back on a football field, going through the tunnel. In fact, I kind of hope she doesn’t back down. I love a good fight. And I think she’s going to end up in my bed.