Page 70 of Rich and Bossy
“I know, I know. It’s just hard to wrap my head around the scope of this.”
“It’s a huge deal. We’re on the right side of history here. The people back in New York and Chicago who are helping know that.” Passion leaks into her voice. Determination. If anybody ever asks why this woman inspires me, I’ll point them to one of her speeches. She could stir a morgue full of stiffs to action. “Other employees, not even at Rapid, this will inspire them.That’s why we have to believe and do our best work. Give it everything we have. You have to be ready for that.”
And now I can’t breathe so well all of a sudden. When she puts it that way, the room has a habit of spinning around me. “No pressure,” I manage with a shaky laugh.
“You’ll be fine.” She smiles. “Everything will be fine. I’m with you every step, and you’ll be prepared. Trust me, you could do a lot worse than having Wells Covington and Decker Collins in your corner, along with Penn.”
The names are vaguely familiar, other than Penn, but I don’t really know who they are.
I lift an eyebrow to try to convey the point that I have no clue.
“Covington’s a major investor in some of Rapid’s biggest competitors. So, you know, he has a vested interest in seeing this happen. He’s more than willing to provide plenty of resources we need. He’s a great guy. His motivations aren’t exactly altruistic, but it’s kind of enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
“Tell him I said thank you.” For some reason, I already feel like this is a million times beyond me. To the point I don’t really know how to react, because I have no idea of the scope.
“Trust me. He knows how grateful you are. And thanks to his help, when we do launch this on a big scale, it’s going to be huge. Media interviews, podcasts, everything I mentioned when we first started talking.”
“I guess it’s a good thing I studied this kind of thing in school, huh?”
“Absolutely. Really, you were sort of a dream come true. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll still be there to coach you all the way, but you’re already familiar enough with the law and terminology and all that. You already have a strong foundation in place. All this works in our favor.”
“You know I’m entirely in your hands. If there’s anybody I trust, it’s you.”
“And I want you to know how seriously I take that.” She meets my gaze, unblinking. “It’s an honor, and that’s not hyperbole. This is a huge opportunity for me too. Yeah, I’m nervous about it also. Rapid is one of the largest companies in the world. I don’t have to tell you this. Organizing one of their warehouses is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I know how much it means. We’re going to crush this.”
“You definitely keep me excited. It helps block out all the fear.”
“Good.” She leans closer, palms on the table. “Every time I start in on a new project, it’s like the first time. I’m as giddy over this as I was the first competitor I ever faced. I’ve been beaten down a lot. To the point I almost quit. You will too.” She leans back and smiles. “Something tells me you’ll keep going, though. The same way I did.”
“I’m going to do my best.”
Her eyes dart over me, and she grins. “I get the feeling you’re the sort of person who’s always done her best.”
Before I can get all flattered and start tripping over my tongue because oh, my God, how surreal is this, Mom pokes her head in once again. “You sure everything’s okay in here? I can’t get you anything?”
Whatever Campbell replies is lost to me, since the doorbell rings and drowns her out. Dad’s at the store—probably picking up more snacks nobody actually wants—so I go out to the living room to see who’s at the door.
The second I look at the Ring camera, my heart decides to stop beating.
What. Is. Happening?
All the breath leaves my lungs, knowing who’s standing there, right in front of me, with only a piece of wood between us. What the hell is he thinking?
What the hell is he doing?
Suddenly, I feel a presence behind me.
“Well holy shit.” That’s all I hear from Campbell’s voice when she sees who it is.
I’m going to die.
This seemedlike such a good idea when I first had it. Now, standing at the front of this modest little house with six eyes staring at me when the door opens, I’m beginning to rethink this approach.
“Can I talk to you?” I turn my full attention to Hazel, since she’s the person I came here to see. Let everyone think what they will. Only her opinion matters. “Privately?”