Page 89 of Rich and Bossy
“Thank you so much for having me. I appreciate the opportunity.”
With that, he signs off, and my part of the screen goes black to signal the end of my participation.
I drop back in the chair, letting out a huge breath. “Holy crap. That was intense.”
Campbell hustles over to me, rubbing my shoulders. “You did great. I swear, you speak on camera like a pro already. Great cadence, no filler words. It’s because you know this subject material, forward and back.”
I know I shouldn’t be in it for the praise, but it feels so good when she says that. She’s proud of me.
I know better than to think I’ve earned a break, though. She told me it’d be an intense work schedule for a while, possibly until this is over. We have to fight to keep the momentum going nonstop.
She waves me over as she opens her hotel room door.
“Hazel, these are the lawyers I was telling you about.”
I greet them with a smile and a handshake, but let’s face it, I’m too overwhelmed to remember a single name. I’m still riding the adrenaline high of finishing my first real interview.
I can’t believe this all started with some fliers and a late-night DM.
Campbell’s checking something on her phone, and the way she breaks out in a mile-wide grin tells me it’s good news.
“They want you on MNSC tonight. Eight o’clock. Plus every local news channel wants to ask you questions.”
It’s like somebody poured a bucket of ice water over my head. “Me? National news?” I gulp.
“Like I told you, this is perfect. We want to start a bidding war. Not for money, but for your time. You keep nailing interviews like that podcast, selling the story the way you did, it will continue. People love to root for an underdog, and that’s you right now. Your coworkers are the same way. They’re scared and they need to see you confident on interviews, talking about how this can happen if things don’t change. They need to believe it.” She grins, tapping the phone against her chin. “I wonder what kind of response we’ll get from Rapid if we let it slip you’re going on tonight. I’m sure their PR and media teams will love to get wind of that. Everyone will want you on tonight, and they’re still trying to figure out their own plans. We want to keep them confused over there.”
At this rate, I’m going to spend the entire day with a smile pasted on my face. As it is, my jaw aches from smiling so much already, and I’m just getting started. I find my way to the sofa and sink against the deep, soft cushions before closing my eyes. I can do this. I have to believe I can do this.
“You’re doing fantastic. I know it’s nerve racking.” A slight shifting of the cushion underneath me says Campbell took a seat next to me. “We came out swinging and we landed a big hit. We just need to keep throwing punches. Warehouse employees from Philadelphia, San Diego, Austin, Atlanta. Delivery drivers, too. We’re already getting word they’re all behind you.”
“Us. They’re behind us, right? Not me?”
“Of course. Yes. But like I said, youarethe face of this. In the beginning. You have to turn it into us. You have to make them believe there can be an us. You are the person all of this is being pinned on. If it’s too overwhelming, you can pass that baton later and retire into the sunset knowing what you kicked off. That’s way down the road though.”
I take a deep breath, letting it out slowly, my eyes still closed.
“Are you feeling overwhelmed?” she asks in a quieter voice than before.
Yes. I’m scared out of my mind.
Already, I have a text from my dad saying somebody he knew stopped him during his trip to the corner store for his customary cup of coffee and newspaper, asking if he knew what was going on at the warehouse. It wasn’t malicious one way or the other, just making conversation.
Campbell already warned them not to say anything about it, especially in the beginning, but we all sort of treated it like an unnecessary caution. It still worries me that they might get caught up in this somehow.
And maybe I need to take a step back in my own head and chill out. This isn’t the time to start doubting myself. I know I’m doing the right thing, and so do my parents. They’ve encouraged me nonstop, ever since I explained what was going to happen.
“Nothing I can’t handle.” I lie when it’s clear Campbell is waiting for an answer.
“Is it a problem withhim?” She raises her eyebrows. “That’s causing some of this doubt? It would be understandable, Hazel. Trust me.”
I blink a few more times and smile. “Like I said, nothing I can’t handle. Promise. If he doesn’t understand what I’m doing here, he’s not the right guy for me.”
“Okay.” She nods a few times. “Just be open with me, okay? Overshare if you have to. I’ll keep everything between us, but I really don’t like being hit with secret bombshell type stories. Rapid is going to throw everything at us. Everything they can, so Ineedto know everything. They’ll sacrifice him if they have to. It’s intrusive, and I’m sorry, but I can’t prepare for what they’ll do if I get surprised with it too.”
“You know everything, especially regarding him. Everything I already told you.”
“Okay.” She nods. “Good, so take a few breaths, and we have to get back to work, okay? You good?”