Page 9 of Rich and Bossy
What catches my attention and holds it, though, is an article about Campbell Page. The sight of her name grabs my attention and makes me sit up a little straighter. I love her so much and follow all her accounts. She is such a kick-ass woman, a union leader from Chicago who now lives in New York City. She does so much good for so many workers. As soon as I learned about her, I had to know more, to the point where I went to Chicago once to hear her speak when she was in her hometown for a conference. She’s basically my professional lady crush.
Honestly, if it weren’t for her, I don’t know if I would’ve had the courage to say those things to Paxton in the elevator.
Even right now, it feels weird thinking about him by his first name. That’s how they do it. Elevate these people at these companies so that you feel like they’re above you. Just thinking of him by his first name feels wrong, like he should be Mr. Briggs. It’s ridiculous.
I read the new article Campbell posted on her account. As the words sink in, I can feel my adrenaline spiking. I sit back in mychair and let out a deep sigh all at once, like something hit me. Something big.
I know what I’m going to do. It’s ambitious as hell, but I don’t think there’s any other way.
Paxton Briggs is not going to like it. Not one bit.
I’m sure I look guilty, snapping my Macbook shut when Bree appears out of nowhere. Damn, how long has she been standing there? Probably thinks I was looking at porn now.
“Sorry. Startled me.” I laugh it off, turning my full attention to her. “What’s up?”
Yeah, you don’t sound guilty at all.
I’m sure she doesn’t care, but I feel paranoid. Why? I’m the boss.
She blinks a few times like she’s making sure she has my attention.
Finally, she says, “Mr. Kline is on his way in. He wanted me to let you know he needs to see you as soon as he arrives.”
Fucking wonderful.
Speak of the world’s biggest asshole, John, who is also my best friend.
“Thanks. I’m available whenever he needs me.”
With that, I open the MacBook again.
She nods and turns on a heel to leave my office, going back to her phone. She types out a message on it as she heads back to her desk. I don't know how she manages that, texting while walking. I’d walk right into traffic if I tried it.
That’s why I hire people to do those things for me.
Since when is John messaging Bree to say he needs to talk to me?
Honestly, I don’t even really give a shit. I go right back to what I was doing before. Looking for any information I can find on the gorgeous little fireball that cornered me in the elevator. Hazel. I haven’t been able to think of anything else since that happened. I can’t focus for shit.
That whole conversation keeps playing through my mind, over and over. The way she gritted her teeth. The fire in her eyes. I respect the balls it took to do what she did, but at the same time—she’s so young and naïve.
The birthday in her file tells me she’s twenty-one years old. A senior in college, studying human resources and labor management.
Big shocker!
No wonder she’s so anal about work conditions. Look, I want my employees to be able to have a good life, get great benefits, enjoy their jobs. It should be a symbiotic relationship where everyone gets something out of the deal. I’m not heartless. But some of these labor rights people go so far in the other direction, you have to push back on them, or they’ll bankrupt your damn company.
The fact she thinks she could go up against me is insane.
I breathe out a sigh, just at the audacity of it. At the same time, I remember what it was like, setting out to make the world a better place. It’s one of the reasons we started this company. To make things cheaper for people, more convenient. Why go to a store when you can get it all delivered to your house forless money. You get more time with your family, and keep more money in your wallet to go on vacations, remodel the house, have a hobby.