Page 12 of Desperately Yours
It was a moment-to-moment thing.
Rationally, I knew I was important to him, and I had no doubt that his mother was building roadblocks on every side. Falling to my near death hadn’t erased the memory of her messing with the dance where Fitz fought to choose me in the end. Her determination to keep him away from me knew no bounds.
But he was the prince, wasn’t he? Why hadn’t he—
A knock on my chamber door brought me back to the present. Earlier Dahlia mentioned something about an escort who would lead me to the banquet. I assumed it would be Kabir, since he escorted me to that dreadful interview last night. But as I pulled back the door, the universe proved me wrong.
Bishop leaned against the doorway, fiddling with his cufflinks. “I can’t ever get these dangdable things to sit right.Blast!” He blew out his breath and stretched his arm toward me. “This must be why men agree to marriage. Though, I feel a valet would cost less in the way of freedom and monetary expenses.”
“Hello to you too, Bishop.” I set to work on his cuff, straightening the fabric beneath his tux jacket so it would lay right. He aided my escape the night before but said nothing to me through our hurried rush. I chalked it up to nerves, but no way was I letting him forget his manners again. “Yes, I’m doing well. Thanks for asking. It was a hard recovery, but I think I’m on the other side of it. Of course, I’d love to help you with your cuffs.”
He scoffed. “Someone sure feels saucy, doesn’t she? Last night wasn’t humbling enough?” He switched wrists and I assumed that meant I needed to fix the other one as well. I rolled my eyesbut did as he hadn’t actually asked. “Mind the edges, I don’t like the feel of it on my skin.”
“Aren’t you a ninny,” I teased as I finished. To finish the job, I adjusted his bowtie next, making sure it was straight and full. “Can’t have you disappointing the crown now, can we?”
“Disappointing is old hat for me, darling. Been at it since the womb. Parents, crown, and country to boot.” He stretched his arms on either side to test my work and nodded once to show his approval. “Right then, we should get you to the…” His eyes met mine for the first time, and all his bravado blew away like feathers in the wind. “Well, well, aren’t you a vision? Come then, let me have a proper look at you.”
Though we hadn’t known each other long, I’d grown used to his games. None of the flirting was real. All a trick to make me feel confident, and blah, blah, blah. Bishop couldn’t function without an endgame. But I also knew he wouldn’t let up until I played along. I took a step backward and turned in the full ball gown, giving him a view of each side.
His gaze never wavered. “Tell me,” he set the length of his finger against his mouth as if he was stuck in deep thought, “where hasthisbeen?”
I looked down at the dress with a frown. “Well, it’s a little dressy for a choosing ceremony, and I definitely couldn’t wear it to the hospital, but I thought it would be more appropriate for a banquet—”
“No,” that same finger popped up to stop me, “I don’t mean the dress.” He motioned to my whole figure. “I mean this woman. Where has she been? Because from where I’m standing, she’s… what’s that American phrase?” It came to him immediately. “Not here to play?”
“Something like that.” I retrieved the charm bracelet from where I’d left it on the bed. “Do you mind?”
He weighed his answer. “A little. After all, the way you look, I’m second-guessing my devotion to the future king and considering sweeping the love of his life off her feet to run away with me.” He laughed to himself and pushed away from the doorway, covering the space between us. “But then, saying it aloud, I remember I have resounding and unrelenting issues with the whole franchise of marriage, so keep you he may.”
“You’re basically a saint,” I teased. Bishop made quick work of the bracelet, but hesitated as his finger bumped the piece of wire Fitz had fastened to the chain as a charm. The air grew heavy as silence slipped between us. “It’s a shame, really. I know you saw a clip yesterday, but in reality, you’ll never know… You’ll never see how he…” Bishop struggled to get the words right. The muscles in his jaw flinched as he fought back his own emotional response. “The depths of the emotion he felt when the earth swallowed you whole, it was… For all of us who cared about you, it was devastating. But Leo, he became a shell, a haunted creature without…”
I pulled my hand away, uncomfortable remembering what I’d gone through. Knowing the torturous trauma Fitz endured from his side didn’t make it any easier to process. “I’m safe now, Bishop. That’s what matters.”
He cleared his throat and nodded quickly. “I only said something because I know he didn’t come see you right away, and if I were an emotional woman prone to bouts of neediness and hysteria, I might worry that his feelings were not as sincere.”
I almost smacked him. “I’m not an emotional woman prone to—”
Bishop groaned and turned for the door. “All women are. That’s why I handle them in short and often anonymous situations. Less mess. Less drama.”
“You have issues.”
“Oh, darling Michaela,” he offered me his arm, “you have no idea. My issues have pet issues at this point. They’re multiplying like rabbits. I’m positively hopeless.”
I slipped my arm through the crook of his and let him lead me from the room. We closed the door behind us and started toward the main banquet room. “Are you sure I look okay? I’m not overdressed?”
Bishop’s snicker left me uneasy. “You’re definitely overdressed, but I think it’s rather smashing. I can’t wait to see the queen’s face. Your dress is so much better than hers.
My steps turned hesitant. “Bishop, the last thing I want to do is upstage Fitz’s mother. I need her to like me, not secretly want to poison me or something.”
“She wouldn’t poison you.” Within five steps, he amended it. “She has minions for that kind of work.”
“Bishop!” My plea for mercy came too late. The hall emptied into a gallery that was only fenced in by one railing, leaving us on display to everyone below. No turning back.
“That’s enough of that. Head high. You own his heart, that’s all that matters.” He nodded at the staircase waiting fifteen feet away. “I’ll go ahead of you. The cameras want a shot of you coming down the stairs all regal and posh. Do try, would you? Last thing we need is you tumbling heels over nickers down the lot of it for the entire country to see.”
I wanted to protest, but that definitely sounded like something I would do.
“Leonidas will be waiting at the base of the stairs. He’s meant to escort each of you to the table, but since you are the last to arrive, you’ll walk into the banquet together.” He shot me a quick look, rather pleased with himself. “You’re welcome for that.”