Page 37 of Desperately Yours
I transferred my weight to a stirrup, leaned forward, and swung my opposite leg over the back of the horse. Fitz’s hand braced my back as I stepped down. The crunch of the snow caught my landing, but a moment later, Fitz’s arm slipped around my waist, silently urging me to face him. I gave in easily, just as eager to be near him. Everything had changed between us and yet, we hadn’t had any time to process it together.
“Bishop is to thank for this,” he answered, as if he couldn’t keep the truth from me any longer. “He said he had a few loyal to his cause and they would get it done.”
“His cause?” I thought I knew what he meant, but I needed him to say it out loud.
“You,” a grin flickered at the corner of his mouth, “and me.” His gaze dipped to my mouth then retreated to my eyes again. “Us.”
We’d been ‘us’ before, for years really as friends, but this carried a new weight. My skin tingled at his touch, overwhelmedby this perfect moment.Us.Me and Fitz. Not just friends, but something more. Something deeper. Something we’d never given proper focus to, and somehow, against all odds, Fitz had stolen this moment in time for us to do exactly that. No contestants, no cameras, no royal family leering from the shadows. Just…us.The magic seemed to swell between us, urging us closer.
My mind tripped over something he said.
“Wait…” Fitz paused at my objection, a flash of worry on his face as though that was the worst thing I could say in the moment. I continued, “Who would have helped Bishop? Who‘s in his merry band of rebels?”
All his concern melted away to amusement. “Um, I’m not entirely sure, but I imagine a couple of the maids who have discreetly expressed their support, as well as a guard or two.” His fingers wove into my hair and pressed it away from my face before he hooked it behind my ear, but left his warm, gloved palm cupping my jaw. “And, of course, your biggest fan, Kabir. I had quite the chore convincing him that he need not accompany us tonight.”
That visual brought a smile to my face. Kabir, my massive bodyguard climbing trees and hanging delicate crystals. But it was even harder to imagine him giving up the idea of trailing behind us in the dead of night, likely on foot to ensure we were safe.
“He would crown you my queen tomorrow if he could,” Fitz teased. Instantly sobering, he gulped back some emotion before he whispered, “And he’s not the only one.”
Once again, the air felt like it had come alive with magic. My breathing quickened as he pulled near, lips brushing against mine. A puff of anticipatory air escaped over my lips and refracted off his face back into me, warm on my chilled skin. My body stayed in such suspension, I felt like if he didn’t closethe final gap between us soon, I would shatter into a thousand pieces. As if granting the request, his lips captured mine.
The wave of anticipation crashed over me into passion and connection. His palm increased pressure on my jaw, as though he worried I might vanish in his arms. In turn, my hands clutched his jacket, tugging him against me to sink deeper into his arms and strength. I’d never felt this way before, like my body had been lit on fire with flames that created energy and excitement instead of pain. It coursed through me, calling me forward, seeking me out as we explored this new element in our relationship. The years of letters, friendship, connection, it all made everything else in my life pale. Every other kiss, every stolen moment had nothing on how deeply I adored Fitz on every level.
No, not adored. That belonged to a puppy or a good pair of shoes.
I loved him. Fully. Completely.What had he said at the banquet?
Oh, yes.
I desperately loved him.
Fitz broke the kiss, but stayed close to watch my face as if he had something to apologize for, but all I wanted was more of him.
“Sorry, I… um… that wasn’t,” his cheeks faintly blushed, “part of my itinerary tonight.” He cleared his throat. “At least not yet.”
“Oh, there’s an itinerary?” I couldn’t help but tease him.
Fitz frowned through his laughter as if he were thinking about it. “More like an agenda of items of importance to cover.”
“So romantic when you talk like that,” I goaded him. “How is a girl supposed to keep her wits about her?” I copied his accent for the last bit as a joke, but a flash of desire in his eyes made my heart leap into my throat.
His grip tightened on my waist. “Is it terrible of me to hope you don’t? Tonight, we could use a little less consideration and thought and a little more living.”
I opened my mouth to speak but the words escaped me. What did he have planned?
He cut off my thoughts with a quick kiss. “Come on, Lady Michaela. Your magical evening awaits.”
Taking the horses’ reins we fastened them to a tree and Fitz left a hay net for them to stay occupied in our absence. My hand in his, he led me over the snow to a separate clearing, also lit and bedazzled with hanging crystals. An enormous tree with branches that mimicked a canopy arched overhead, creating a shelter of fairytale standards. At the base of the tree, the snow had been cleared and large quilts covered the earth with stacks of other blankets nearby.
“Fitz…” My voice held warning as my feet hesitated. “What exactly do you have planned?”
He chuckled as if he was guilty but shook his head. “Nothing presumptuous, I assure you. I merely don’t want to freeze to death in the time we have together.” He bent and retrieved a thick quilt to extend it to me. “Feel free to wrap yourself up like a mummy to keep my paltry hands off of you.”
I took the quilt and released his hand, still eyeing him with a comical wariness. “I suppose that’s a good enough excuse.” Satisfied with his answer and suggestion, I wrapped the thick quilt around my shoulders and let it cocoon my frame.
He knelt on the blankets and nodded at a nearby thermos. “Come on then, I know your fondness for cocoa on cold nights.”