Page 31 of Demon's Obsession
What had happened to his blissful one?
How did the tree get burned so terribly?
What would happen to them from now on?
Questions, questions, and precious few answers, but Silas focused on what he knew he could do—fix the branches of his oak tree. The questions would still be there when his tree and demon felt better, then, maybe he’d find the answers.
Chapter Twenty
Pain, burning… they pushed at his psyche as Dakata worked to force his way through what was holding him captive.
He strained, to no avail. Nothing could fight past what drained him, held him imprisoned.
What was happening to him?
Had he been cast into hell?
There, something on the edge of his consciousness tugged, and he felt a visible ripping, then the sounds of wood snapping. In hismind, he cried out—for what, he wasn’t sure. Something broke that was vital to him—to Silas.
What had he done? Asmodeus? Was he responsible for this—whatever this was?
His senses swam and nothing seemed to be as it should. He couldn’t escape the cushion of black surrounding him. A voice floated through his mind. A sweetness came from the brush of… lips against his skin.
He shoved harder at the invisible barrier, only nothing worked to move it. To let him surface from the darkness.
Smells tickled his nose as something silky stroked over him. Energy. What was touching him was alive with it. A part of his mind registered this wasn’t the demon realm, as the life force down there was darker. Heavier.
Light. It surrounded him.
Who had taken him from the demon realm?
Could he smell Silas and their mighty oak?
You are with us.Words whispered past the cloud of confusion he had become cushioned in.
In my branches, my sweet demon.
Sweet?In his mind, Dakata chuckled because never had anyone ever called him sweet.
You are. I feel it as Silas does.
What happened to me?
I am at fault.
What? How?
We never discussed what would happen once we bonded. Also, someone in your realm wanted to test us.
A chill ran through Dakata’s motionless body.
Test us? How? Why?Nothing made sense.