Page 35 of Demon's Obsession
Silas’s backside jiggled against Dakata, and he groaned under his breath when this brought a cheeky grin from Silas.
“Behave,” he murmured, not meaning it at all. Silas’s smile got bigger, suggesting he’d figured that out.
Only before he could do anything, they arrived at their destination. Met with so many choices, Silas’s attention became fixed on the board outlining all the possibilities. To Dakata they all looked the same.
“I can’t decide between the double burger with bacon and jack cheese, or the green chili cheeseburger?”
“You can get both,” Dakata suggested when Silas sucked his lower lip between his teeth, looking conflicted.
When Silas still didn’t answer, Dakata took matters into his own hands, ordering them both, ignoring the car that honked behind them.
Back on the road again, barely three minutes later, Dakata watched in fascination as Silas nibbled on the first one, then the other burger, having moved back on to the seat next to him.
“Do you have a favorite?” The smell in the car had Dakata regretting his decision not to purchase a burger for himself.
Silas shook his head as he carefully tugged both burgers in half and offered the two different halves to Dakata. “Let’s share and we can compare choices.”
Dakata kissed Silas’s smiling mouth, tasting the hint of chili. “Thank you,” he murmured, lingering a moment longer.
A choking noise came from Miller, and Dakata gave him a hard stare. “Watch where you’re going.”
“Sorry, sir,” Miller mumbled apologetically.
When they pulled up to Dakata’s office building, Silas licked his fingers clean from the relish. His attention returned to the outside of the car. “That’s a big building, do you own it all?”
“Yes.” Dakata glanced at Miller. His hand slipped into his pocket to rub the summoning stones to give himself an energy boost. “Be back in two hours.”
Dakata couldn’t hold back his laughter when Miller jerked to twist in his seat and stare openmouthed at him. “Two hours, sir?”
“Yes, you heard me.” He didn’t wait for a reply and slipped out of the car to walk around the hood to open the door for Silas, whose attention remained on the building. Dakata took hold of his elbow and guided him inside. He nodded at those who stopped to stare. His face was a mask of indifference.
Once in the elevator, he eased Silas closer to him and gave him a resounding kiss. When Dakata let him go, Silas wore a bemused expression. “I needed a fix before we face some of my family.”
“Ohh.” Silas giggled. “I don’t mind if you want to kiss me in front of your family.”
Dakata scowled and shook his head. “No one I’m related to has any boundaries, and they’ll only go on about it if I do,” he explained as they exited the elevator, Dakata hand returning to Silas’s elbow, wanting—needing—to keep contact with him. “Believe me, you don’t need that annoyance in your life.”
Scott’s head rose as they approached and whatever he was thinking about Dakata’s appearance with Silas, he kept to himself. He rose gracefully. “Sir.”
“Scott. This is Silas. He’s important to me, therefore he’s important to you.” Dakata nodded to his closed office door. “Who’s in there?”
“Christa and Luka.” Scott’s lips pursed for a brief second, the only outward sign of his frustration. “They took over your office a couple of days ago.”
Dakata continued past Scott, keeping hold of Silas. “Follow me.”
He didn’t wait to see if Scott had followed, he knew the demon would not question him.
He opened the door silently, though the two occupants who stood toe to toe didn’t notice as they yelled at each other.
“This should be my office, you need to find somewhere else because I’m not listening to you talking all day,” Luca snapped.
“Your office? Give over. You think because you have balls, it gives you rights, demon?” Christa screeched back.
“Children,” Dakata said with enough force to make the walls shake. “This is my office and if this is how you both conduct yourselves at work, behaving like irresponsible toddlers, I don’t know what I was thinking, giving you the responsibility for taking care of my business.”
Luka and Christa shut up as if Dakata had shaken them. Silas, apparently totally unaffected by Dakata’s outburst, stepped forward with a smile. He offered his hand to Christa first. “Hi, now there is no threat, it’s lovely to meet you Christa, I’m Silas.”
Christa, all smiles, came forward, hips swaying, hair gleaming as she tossed her head. “Lovely to meet you, darling.” She ignored the hand and brought him in for a hug.