Page 17 of Biker's Property
I sit up and Joslin turns back to look at me. I don’t know if she thinks I planned on having a rational conversation. I grab her arm and drag her into the bed. She shrieks this time, making the loudest sound I ever heard from her as I pull her as close to me as I can.
I try to fix her up and arrange her body parts properly so she isn’t hurt, but naturally, Joslin responds to my kind invitation by throwing her fists at my chest and fighting me off.
“I’m just trying to get you to calm down,” I reply through my grunts. She’s not very strong, but her bony ass hands slam just the wrong places between my ribs and I want her skinny ass to stop beating the fuck out of me. I loosen my grip on her and try breathing slowly, letting her throw her little fists when she wants to.
Joslin throws a hard kick at my thighs and then slams her fist so hard into my chest it’s like she’s trying to break through my rib cage. The little grunt that follows tells me she’s hitting with all her might despite the softness of the blows. What the fuck has this woman been through… And how the hell did she end up here?
“I won’t put my dick in you,” I whisper. “Too fucking tired for all that.”
She draws her body away from mine and I let her move away if that’s what makes her feel better… As long as she doesn’t get out of bed. She curls up and removes the pillow from beneath her head, clutching it in her arms instead. I look over at her, fighting the temptation to stare at this beautiful woman all damn night. Even if I can just see her hair.
And that ass sticking out.
This will bea lot easier if I don’t look at her ass. It’s hard not to imagine what the whole package looks like when I do that. I blame prison. Confinement turns a man into a monster…
She exhales slowlyand I’m drunk enough to think she fell asleep instantly.
“Isit true what she said about you?”
“She said a lot of things.”
“That you’re a racist.”
“I’m nothing like those assholes in the desert. If that’s what you’re asking.”
She doesn’t say anything.I wait for her to fall asleep, which doesn’t take much longer. I know I won’t sleep much, but I can survive on four or five good hours. You don’t survive prison without being a light sleeper. Never know when you might need to jump out of bed and put your shoes on.
If she tries to make a run for it — I’ll know. Plus, Seraphine has strict instructions about what to do if Joslin tries anything. Feels good to be back in club territory. Especially after the shit I’ve seen.
Tomorrow,I have to call Southpaw and tell him all of this.
And then what?
That’s allthis could possibly lead to. I see the writing on the wall. Southpaw might be more measured and rational, but he still has a gambler’s impulses and Harlan Shaw’s blood running through his veins. We all know the horror stories about what happens when our club weakens. We all got a taste of it with the cops.
I don’t knowwhat the fuck is going on out here, but I know it’s a lot worse than what we’ve been through before.
I wishI could say that stops me from sleeping, but it doesn’t. Life is about finding new ways to keep carrying on.
Chapter Nine
Iwake up to a face full of ass cheeks. I freeze.Why is this man standing in front of me naked with his ass out.Steel’s outfit consists of a white t-shirt and… white socks. That’s it. Normally, I would greet him withgood morning, but he clearly thinks I’m asleep, which is why he’s walking around butt naked like this. I can’t say a word. Just stare at his ass cheeks and honestly… admit to myself that I’ve never seen an ass this built in my life.
What the hell? I know I’m mixed, but I feel like I got cheated and this white boy is caked up like aSprinklesbakery. I bite on my lower lip and close my eyes, ignoring the weird shiver that settles in. Again… why is his ass out?
Steel clears his throat and I hear him crossing the room. When he walks past me, I can smell shampoo, soap, and black coffee. I guess that explains why he has his ass hanging out, but most people put their underwear on before walking out of the bathroom for coffee. I listen for shuffling that sounds like Steel dressing and then I slowly stage my fake wake up because I don’t want this man getting any ideas about being naked in front of me.
I’m not in the mood for any man and his lust. Even if this man is very attractive and smells incredible. Hotels have really upgraded their shampoo situation recently because he smells a lot better than he did yesterday. Although I must have smelled worse. I shift slightly and Steel greets me first.
“Morning, Joslin.”
He leans against the wall across the room and watches me yawn and throw the covers off slowly. My body is stiff and my mouth feels totally dry again. Patches of my neck, ears and arms sting from sunburn and I wish I could be dropped into an ice bath. Despite the pain, I smile and greet him.