Page 56 of Biker's Property
“We’re getting married.”
Hunter laughs.
“I’m not joking.”
“Did you hold her at gunpoint when you asked?” he says, laughing again. I hear Juliette yell out in the background. “Hold who at gunpoint?”
I openthe motel door to stand outside for this conversation, which might get more annoying than I truly want it to be.
“Nothing, baby,”Hunter yells back at his wife. “Ryder’s getting married.”
“WHAT?!” Juliette shrieks.
She grabsthe phone from Hunter. I can hear them fighting over it. I have club business to discuss, but share a small piece of information, and now I have Juliette wrestling the phone from her husband.
“Who did you kidnap?” she says with more aggression in her tone than necessary. “While you’re at it, share your location with Hunterimmediately.”
“Quiet!” Juliette yells at her husband. “Ryder… who did you kidnap, and does she need help? Anna and I are ready to ride.”
“Your ass won’t be riding anywhere,” Hunter says. I hear him grunting desperately. “Give me that phone back or the only thing riding your ass will be a damn paddle.”
Juliette squeaks, the scuffle continues and then she says while out of breath. “Did this woman consent to be your wife?”
Hunter is the one who shot a man to get this woman into his bed, but she dares to question me? Before I can question Juliette about her audacity, Hunter gets the phone back.
“She has a point.I saw where that woman came from and I strongly doubt she would leave the arms of one monster and run straight into the arms of another.”
“Thanks. We are the same fucking person, you asshole.”
“Yes, but… I didn’t go to prison.”
“You’re such a dick.”
“I actually agree with Ryder this time!” Juliette chirps in the background. Hunter clears his throat in annoyance.
“This phone call was not to discuss the merits of my marriage,” I say, dragging us back to the damn point so I can get my ass back upstairs to Joslin and work on convincing her over the tattoo. “This is about the information we found at Joslin’s. She went through and organized all of it. We might have bigger problems than we originally thought.”
Hunter makes a grunt that means he wants me to continue.
“The Nazis might have been taking girls across the desert and their trail runs right through the land near the Indian reservation. That mean anything to you?”
“Her picture was in the stack of pictures Joslin pulled from the files. There’s some weird bullshit on the back but… it’s best if I send this shit over to Tamiya.”
“I’ll talk to Wyatt first. If you wrap everything at the motel and leave it in a safe, he’ll send Gideon or one of the Blackwoods to get it for her.”
My brother sensesthat I don’t want to get any deeper in this part of club business than I am already. I have sacrificed so damn much for this club… I don’t want to sacrifice a fucking thing more. Not when I have someone new to live for.
“Thank you.”
“What about this girl? Where the hell are you marrying her?”
“I dunno. Vegas.”
“You are such a fucking idiot,” Hunter says. Again, he insults me like we aren’t composed of the same goddamn DNA.