Page 72 of Biker's Property
“Hunter knew about it,”I tell her. “He said it was a good idea not to tell you. Sorry, mama. I gotta go.”
I hangup and turn my phone off. That’s enough family time. I need to see Joslin. She’s standing at my dressing room door when I open it. Dressed in ivory. Looking like a goddamn dream.
“Who are you yelling at?” she says. “I thought you were in trouble.”
“So you came to defend me?”
She shrugs. Her shoulders are still thin and bony. She could use a little more meat on them, but I don’t mind her small frame or her relative disinterest in food. I just want her… exactly the way she is.
“You look so fucking beautiful.”
“Thanks,” she says. “My hair is–
“The sexiest head of curly hair I’ve ever seen.”
I grab her hand.“I was just on the phone with my family… Judging by their response… We should get married as fast as possible.”
“Why?Do they not approve of me or something?”
No,Joslin. I’m the goddamn problem. Always have been, probably always will be.
“No,baby. They approve of you just fine. They just want to come to the wedding and trust me… you don’t want to see more than two Sinclairs drunk in the same room.”
I swearas we round the corner, I hear her mutter, “...Or high on energy drinks for that matter..”
Joslin hada good time in that changing room, and she knows it. And we’ll have even more fun once we’re married…
Chapter Thirty-One
They had to put me on so much anti-anxiety medication to survive my first wedding that I barely remember it. Every minute of my wedding to Ryder Sinclair will stitch itself into my memories forever.Everything.I don’t know how they managed to make a quick-and-easy wedding venue in a gambling city this cute and festive, but I want to run, not walk, down the aisle to Ryder.
I wanted to faint during my first wedding and I rightfully feared what would happen on my wedding night.
When I touch Ryder for the first time, I know it’s going to change everything between us, change my views on sex… change my views on love. I want him. Every building touch we’ve had from the first time I laid eyes on him in the desert drew us to this moment. Holding his hand, meeting Pastor Barry, and walking down the aisle hand in hand to wedding music.
His grip on me is equally firm and protective. His closeness and scent make me feel safe and treasured. He wanted everything about this to be mine. To be ours. I don’t need more time to know Ryder’s a good man. When you get close to a true monster, you know the difference instantly. My first husband never quite fooledme, but I saw how he fooled other people.
Ryder isn’t like that. He wears his heart on his sleeve. He speaks what’s on his mind and worries about the consequences later. He’s man enough to handle the consequences. I want to be his… even if I didn’t a month ago. I don’t care how crazy it is.
My heart just knows.
We faceeach other at the end of the aisle and my eyes catch Ryder’s. He gazes down at me over his sharp, defined nose. His face is beautiful – every inch of it. He looks at me like I’m golden. Like he’s afraid to touch me, yet wants to do it so badly it hurts him. I thrive off of his desire for me. We don’t stop holding hands as we face each other and Pastor Barry begins his mini-service.
I scan every inch of Ryder’s face, committing to memory the way he looks at me as Pastor Barry gives a speech about a lifetime of love and commitment. He runs his thumb over the center of my palm slowly. Comforting me. Letting me know that he’s right here with me, jumping off this cliff together.
Pastor Barry hasvows prepared for us, which relieves both of us. Even if the words come from Pastor Barry, I can feel that we both mean every word of our wedding vows. We both want to be here. Doing this. That’s what will keep us together. I know it. Once we say our vows, Pastor Barry reveals wedding rings.
I don’t know how Catalina pulled that off, but two simple golden bands await us, sealing our marriage with a mixture of novelty and tradition. My hand feels so tiny in Ryder’s as he slips the ring on my finger. It’s a perfect fit. I have a slightly more difficult time getting Ryder’s ring on his much thicker finger, but we do it.
And then Pastor Barry says,“You may now kiss the bride.”
Ryder grabsme like a racehorse after a gunshot and swings me around, dipping me low to the ground as he kisses me in the most enthusiastic and memorable way I haveeverbeen kissed. The camera flashes repeatedly as he gives our drive-thru photographer several dramatic shots before settling me on my feet.
“Can I kiss her again?”
“It’s up to her,” Pastor Barry says.